
Archive for the ‘Man of War’ Category

I thought people were joking when they talked about the new reality show Mob Wives. The Sopranos, New Jersey Housewives, Growing up Gotti and that Snooki show wasn’t enough for people? Would we be into glamorizing this lifestyle if it was Crip Wives, or Latin King Nation Wives? When will it be appropriate to have an “Al-Qaida Wives” reality show? 10 years, 20 years? Too soon?

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Now THAT’s trust:  Spooky is giving me one of his guns and is teaching me to shoot.  

 “The Gun Is Civilization”
By Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret)

Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another:  $eason and force.  If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force.  Every human interaction falls into one of those two categories, without exception.  Reason or force, that’s it.

In a truly moral and civilized society, people exclusively interact through persuasion.  Force has no place as a valid method of social interaction, and the only thing that removes force from the menu is the personal firearm, as paradoxical as it may sound to some.

When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force.  You have to use reason and try to persuade me, because I have a way to negate your threat or employment of force.
The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats.  The gun removes the disparity in physical strength, size, or numbers between a potential attacker and a defender.
There are plenty of people who consider the gun as the source of bad force equations.  These are the people who think that we’d be more civilized if all guns were removed from society, because a firearm makes it easier for a [armed] mugger to do his job.  That, of course, is only true if the mugger’s potential victims are mostly disarmed either by choice or by legislative fiat – it has no validity when most of a mugger’s potential marks are armed.
People who argue for the banning of arms ask for automatic rule by the young, the strong, and the many, and that’s the exact opposite of a civilized society.  A mugger, even an armed one, can only make a successful living in a society where the state has granted him a force monopoly.
Then there’s the argument that the gun makes confrontations lethal that otherwise would only result in injury.  This argument is fallacious in several ways.  Without guns involved, confrontations are won by the physically superior party inflicting overwhelming injury on the loser.
People who think that fists, bats, sticks, or stones don’t constitute lethal force watch too much TV, where people take beatings and come out of it with a bloody lip at worst.  The fact that the gun makes lethal force easier works solely in favor of the weaker defender, not the stronger attacker.  If both are armed, the field is level.
The gun is the only weapon that’s as lethal in the hands of an octogenarian as it is in the hands of a weight lifter.  It simply wouldn’t work as well as a force equalizer if it wasn’t both lethal and easily employable.
When I carry a gun, I don’t do so because I am looking for a fight, but because I’m looking to be left alone.  The gun at my side means that I cannot be forced, only persuaded.  I don’t carry it because I’m afraid, but because it enables me to be unafraid.  It doesn’t limit the actions of those who would interact with me through reason, only the actions of those who would do so by force.  It removes force from the equation… And that’s why carrying a gun is a civilized act.
By Maj. L. Caudill USMC (Ret.)

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I’m writing about this amazing play just in case it gets extended, in which case Spooky and I are taking a little road trip.  New York is abuzz!

Sleep No More is an immersive theater experience, a (very) loose adaptation of Shakespeare’s MacBeth created by the London theater group Punchdrunk. The audience is required to wear Venetian-style trickster masks and wander wordlessly though a warehouse temporarily transformed into the McKittrick Hotel, a creepy 1930’s multi-roomed stage filled with dancers and actors interpreting various scenes from the play.  Visitors are able to wander the rooms at will and touch the exquisitely detailed props to their hearts’ desires. Thus immersed the audience becomes more witness than watcher of the passionate and bloody goings-on.

Sleep No More looks like something Stanley Kubrick and Alfred Hitchcock would have concocted had they met for drinks one night, so of course I want to see it. Unfortunately I hear that as of a few days ago it was nearly sold out, and now that it’s getting rave reviews everywhere from the New York Times to Vogue Magazine I doubt Spooky and I will be able to find tickets.  Maybe Punchdrunk will take the show on the road . . . uh . . . just imagine taking a 93-room stage on the road . . . hmmm . . . nevermind. Our only hope is for it to eventually turn into a classic, the way  Phantom of the Opera and Cats did, so theater-goers can see it whenever they want.

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It’s 11:59 once again. I’d make a pumpkin reference, but I hate mixing metaphors.

The entire Western monetary system is in grave danger and the banksters know it. They are running out of options and need to come to some kind of global settlement if they are to keep the edifice from colllapsing entirely. I understand there has been a settlement and what’s going on at C-SPAN is merely a distraction. So, are they really gonna do it this time? Will the last bankster holdouts to the New Paradigm accept the latest global banking settlement, or will it find another way to kick the can down the road, or start WWIII to keep the U.S. Federal Reserve Note from going kaput?

Start WWIII? Did I say that? WWIII is going on right now, below our feet and above our heads as the Snake and the Dragon duke it out. Neither Quaddafi nor any of the Evil Dictators you see on TV are “real:” They’re from Central Casting and just a sideshow, as are the congressional hearings on the “budget” that will never be. The Israeli-Palestinian issue is but a proxy, as are the obnoxious saber-rattlings of Kim-Jong-Il and Ahmadinejad. They are manufactured crises that rise and descend like the flame on a Bunsen burner to achieve one over-arching objective, i.e., maintenance of the status quo.

Congressman Ron Paul: “I want a definition of money.”

Lightning Rod Ben Bernanke: “Derp?”

(H/T LoLFed)

The Real War is being fought over competing monetary systems: The fractional reserve Ponzis run by the Corporation/Enterprise, vs. what remains of the global hereditary gold power. Who gets to define “money,” and who gets to “make” it is the ONLY thing that matters to the Powers That Be at this moment. They’ll worry about forcing it down our throats later. 

No one is buying US Treasuries except as a symbolic gesture: The Fed sells them to its own member banks who sell them back to the Fed a few days later at a sporty little profit. Meanwhile other countries are slowly dumping their holdings and the Fed is graciously accepting them.  This Great Unwinding is being achieved at great cost, but it was preferable to the alternative: Outright collapse.

At last check I understood the Fed was holding 70% of its own debt instruments.  Just wait until that 70% turns into 100%. You won’t have to wait much longer because it’s all part of THE master plan, the Big One.  I’ll share a little secret with you:

The major shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank are also the major shareholders of its member banks.  The biggies, Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan types, are the main breeding grounds for their operatives, and US Treasury officers have been groomed by these same interests. I call them the Nexus. 

Here’s the important thing to remember as we face the End Game: Fundamentally, party and counterparties to these latest US treasury/bond deals are the same people. They’re buying from themselves. They’re selling to themselves. They owe money to themselves. The stock markets they control are on autopilot, electronically passing equity back and forth between themselves using high frequency trading programs, propping up stock prices largely owned by . . . wait for it! . . . themselves. When it comes to precious metals they’re massively naked shorting-themselves. And they’re not turning themselves in. Get it?

 The Nexus owes trillions of US Dollars to itself.  Now think. What would you do if you and your buddies could essentially print money and use it to buy back your financial instruments so that you’d only be owing yourselves the interest? You’d forgive it that debt, wouldn’t you?  You’d just call the whole thing off and the debt would disappear.  You’d go shopping afterwards, enjoy a big-ol martini, smoke a cigar, and get all back-slap-happy with your co-conspirators. Well done, my friends. Well done.  

I think the Federal Reserve Bank is going to do something deemed heroic by some and criminal by others:  Forgive the National Debt by absorbing it.  OK, OK, by printing their way out of it and using the US military to prevent the otherwise inevitable hyperinflationary collapse, yeah, that too.  Anyway, what will happen when it’s over?   I think the Nexus will  temporarily disappear like the Cheshire Cat, leaving nothing behind but a shit-eating grin, until it reappears as . . .


What new system will replace it?  I don’t know. What is money, anyway?  

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I have an interesting update for you!  I checked in with the Woomeisters from Wooville* and there has been an announcement of (another) significant change in International Plans, meticulously detailed in native Woo!  Since I speak Woo, at least haltingly, I can give you the scoop.

The Enterprise, i.e., US taxpayer-financed global infrastructure upgrades for outsourcing disguised as war, knows it can’t hide behind Goebbels-grade propaganda anymore.   Oh, it keeps trying, angling for more centralized authority over internet operations, etc.; however, even if the Powers that Be win  they lose, because they’ve already lost control of the narrative. 

Unfortunately for the Enterprise, the “War on Terror” has lost its momentum.  The staged Biblical Armageddon had to be called off a few years ago, and the “Hoaxed Threat from Outer Space,”  isn’t catching on with the public’s imaginations.  It doesn’t matter how much high tech imagery Hollywood churns out:  Spacemonsters, rogue comets, collaped magnetosphere, new discoveries of planets able to host life, Mayan prophesies come home to roost, turning the History Channel into All Aliens All the Time channel . . . Nothing is working.  We’re not even paying attention, for the most part. 

Essentially, the Internet ruined everything for the Enterprise. Worse, the U.S. dollar is way past its sell-by date and no longer passes the sniff-test with our international Treasury bond investors. The Powers that Be know they need to change the way they do things, and soon.

For at least a generation a very rich and powerful faction has been plotting to eliminate the Enterprise  in favor something more euro-socialist and sustainable.   Never mind that the adjectives “socialist” and “sustainable,” when placed next to each other, create an oxymoron.**  Fortunately the statists were shut down at the 11th hour by a rogue faction of, oh, shall we say, “freedom fighters” for the sake of my not having to repeat myself.   The old plans are kaput and it’s every oligarch, every regent, every global administrative technician for himself now.  Rats in a sack, the whole lot, IMHO.   My own assessment (I’m over here in the cheap seats) is that they’re all winging it now.  All previous plans and agreements have been tossed into a dumpster.

But there is hope!

Fortunately for world stability the biggest players have come up with yet another plan to share the Ring to Rule Them All.  The Pentagon is reportedly on board with this one, increasing the odds that THIS TIME, maybe, the agreement will stick. What you’re seeing in the news today appears to be the last gasps of the old control grid, with different factions still trying, some desperately, to control outcomes. A new control grid is up and running, but there’s no guarantee it will work.

Much of the old settlement, which focused primarily on world banking regulations, remains:  The mercy-killing of dying fractional reserve banking regimes and the sharing of previously hoarded technologies, for instance.  Emerging economies will have more of a say in global financial matters. (UPDATE: Confirmed!!!)  However, plenty about the Even Newer and More Improved World Order will be different:

1. The US Federal Reserve may transform itself in secret so as not to spook the herd.  The US dollar will remain such, but likely under different terms.  

2.  The Enterprise will remain in bidness. “The American System WORKS,” insisted Ms. Clinton in her stick-it-up-your-ass speech to the Council of Foreign Relations.  However, it looks as though the Enterprise will no longer use the “War on Terror” as an excuse to use US military personnel as their personal demolition and construction crews and security guards.  Instead, contractors (AKA private industry) will manage existing Enterprise operations. A good number of those “contractors,” however, will be mercenaries financed by the “State Department,” AKA Capitalism’s Invisible Army (CIA), so it’s still your tax dollars at work, building global infrastructure to TPTB can outsource your job.   Look at the bright side: Freedom, commerce, personal property and the American Way survived a massive, and I mean massive, statist onslaught.  No one ever said Freedom wouldn’t be messy.

3.    The Powers have abandoned the original plan for a one-world-currency.  Still, there will be new banking rules and practices after a global announcement of an international pact between key nations.  International pact implies that a post WWIII “Paris Peace Accord” or “Bretton Woods” type arrangement has been signed, with six big entities retaining financial sovereignty, and one of them is, after a big fight, probably American if not US.   PSST! So many pacts, so much reneging. “Announcements” keep getting delayed, so don’t hold your breath, they’ve been promising it for years.

4. Placement of silver/gold/etc. depositories have carefully been chosen to provide assistance to the vulnerable. By vulnerable I get the feeling they mean geologically because they keep going on and on about physical earth changes forcing their hand (they are “out of time”).  But it could also mean economically vulnerable, because the world is undeniably out of financial time, too. 

5. The mass culling of humanity for the purpose of population control has been rejected as untenable.  The ways of the Internet virtually guarantee that the guilty would (eventually) be held accountable for it anyway. This might explain #4.  If you doubt they would have been able to pull off such a dirty deed think of this:  It would not have taken much effort at all to stage an “Armageddon” or a 2012 catastrophe for to convince believers that the End Times were here.   The collapse of the US Fractional Reserve Note ALONE would have been sufficient to trigger a mass die-off worldwide and fulfill most prophesies. Staged “natural” disasters could have handled the rest.   

6.    We can expect the turmoil in the “Middle East” (i.e., northern African oil producers) to settle down “soon” because everyone has capitulated, now it’s just a matter of logistics.  Famous last words?  At least one faction is going to fight to the last man standing. Suffice it to say Libya is getting a lot of “help.”

7.    The undergrounders/”flyingTemplars”/spacecommands have stalled on their plans to front as benevolent aliens gifting new technologies. I think market testing communicated the message “Bitch, please.” Or, maybe they read my blog, hahah doubt it. Instead,  they’ve decided to begin the technology insertion process first, so the peasants will be less likely to lynch them when they “come upstairs” and/or land their spaceships.

8. Medical advances are light/vibration based.  “Light chambers” sounds all star-trekky but I bet it’s just modified tanning booths or LED bulbs like what I’ve got at home. The sound/vibration healings sound fascinating, and it looks as though we’ll be using our “crystalline chambers” and our “DNA upgrades” well before the “Agarthans” (undergrounders) reveal themselves.

9. They plan to give tours of their underground and space-based facilities, whee. Bottom line:  What you see in the news today is the final rush to conclude an international negotiated settlement before something – who knows what – hits the fan, probably a combination of things both natural and manmade.  The Powers need to get on with it because world affairs need resolution, not revolution. Besides, my popcorn is cold. 

* It seems that the “I AM” St. Germain/ascension 2010 movement is not a metaphysical movement at all, but actually a political movement which uses a spiritual hierarchy and mysterious ascended masters to influence and guide its members. Unsurprising to any political conspiracy buff their world headquarters is located in a Chicago suburb.

**Socialism is as statist as fascism, and statism is anything BUT sustainable. It doesn’t matter if the state appropriates industry or the reverse:   Any command-and-control style of governance that forces redistributions of personal property and centralizes control of the means of production is doomed to eventual failure.   Why?  Because control freaks suck, and rich control freaks suck worse. 

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There has never been a better time, or more reasons, to give up sweets.

The Ivory Coast is the world’s largest cocoa exporter:  30 to 40 percent of the world’s chocolate originates there.  Unfortunately for the Ivorians, they’re enduring political upheaval, civil unrest, bank runs, the whole failed-state fiasco, the kind that happens when the IMF tries to replace its old puppet dictator with a new puppet dictator, but the old one refuses to go.

ABIDJAN (Reuters) – A halt to cocoa-buying in Ivory Coast is leaving beans to rot in farm warehouses, while smuggling through Ghana intensifies and some growers switch to other crops, farmers said on Thursday.

Economic sanctions, a cocoa export ban and a liquidity shortage since incumbent Laurent Gbagbo seized the central bank’s local branch has left the cocoa industry in chaos in the world’s largest grower as beans pile up in farms or are smuggled out.

Alassane Ouattara, who beat Gbagbo in a November 28 presidential poll, according to U.N.-certified electoral commission results that Gbagbo refused to concede, last week called for a one-month cocoa registration ban to starve his rival of tax revenues.

Cocoa exporters, fearing sanctions by Western powers that recognise Ouattara’s win, have played ball.

So you’ll just eat jelly beans and peeps instead?  Are you sure you want all that corn syrup?  YUCK!  Corn syrup jellybeans are not recognized as “food” by our bodies, and the only thing peeps are good for is still-life-with-peeps contests, and blowing up in the microwave.

You can’t even trust the word “sugar” on ingredient lists any more. If it doesn’t say cane sugar, it’s probably not. 30% of the world’s sugar comes from beets, and now the USDA has decided to allow farmers to plant Roundup Ready (GMO) sugar beets, supposedly to  prevent a U.S. sugar shortage.  Cane sugar prices have been rising for years for many reasons, but Brazilian farmers lost much of their sugar cane crops last year, making sugar more expensive than ever. So, not only are your sugary snacks likely sweetened with beets already, soon they’re going to be sweetened with GMO beets. YUCK!

Hm.  There is hope for the American waistline:  When the price of unneccessary crap goes up, people tend to stop buying it, especially when money is tight, so lets see if the American Consumer will do the smart thing and just take a pass on candy this Easter.  Nobody needs candy, and those who still celebrate Easter in the commercial manner can decorate a few hard boiled eggs, make cupcakes with organic cane sugar, and fill those little plastic eggs with small change. The kids will never know the difference!  More sugar-free Easter ideas here and here.

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Awesome magazine cover.  I love the smell of gyros in the morning,  BUT!!!!!  Here’s the part that remains unsaid:  The EU situation reminds us of a movie because there is a script and we are being played.   The reasons the whole region is on metaphorical fire right now are not the reasons given by the journalistic hacks.

My opinion on the whole situation:   Certain Bankster Forces behind the EU, AKA the European Soviet in Brussels, tried to take down certain Bankster Forces in the US and UK.  They have so far failed and now are getting their comeuppance, turnaround being fair play and all that.  Bond vigilantiism and black pools: Not too hard to figure out.

DEFAULT:  Not just a region in California anymore.

The “world revolutions” being played out in Northern Africa are similarly fixed by the so-called powers-that-be.  Just google “George Soros” and “Color Revolutions” to get an idea on how these so-called “spontaneous” revolutions are – and probably always HAVE been – planned, financed and executed by deep-pocketed bankster types, most of whom, by the way, are not named Soros.   

World Revolution = Green Revolution = Socialist Revolution = Communism.  It never went away.  Americans were just fooled into thinking it did.   Gorbachev has an office in the Presidio but he’s still a hardboiled communist – excuse me, “socialist” because that word sounds nicer – and you know what? Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing depends on one’s perspective. What Americans were told about so-called “capitalism” and “communism” was also part a marketing con job anyway.  I’m no Pinky Commie, no Capitalist Pig but hey, those are false choices, comrades.

Here’s what’s true and always will be:  There will forever be tension between public and private control, central command and individual freedom, top-down and bottom-up. The central controllers use both capitalism and communism to serve their interests, and they decided a long time ago that if they were going to seize and maintain control of the masses, individuals would need to be drugged, hypnotized, fattened up, impoverished, dumbed down, eternally confused and asleep at the scooter wheel.  So far as I can tell the central controllers have done a bang-up job.

That leaves the awake and aware – many of them a part of the elite corporate and bankster classes so don’t be hatin’ indiscriminately – to duke it out on behalf of our bloated asses.  Don’t be too quick to pick sides: You can’t really tell who these people are or what side they’re playing.  Just keep watching. Someday this war’s gonna end, and then what will we complain about?

H/T: Zero Hedge

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UPDATE 1/14:  I wonder at which point I’ll tire of adding to the list at the bottom?

I did a Google image search on “civil war” and found these images from Marvel Comics. I don’t know about you but my money is on the guy in red white and blue. They made the other guy red on purpose but really, if they’d been hip they would have made him green instead. Green is the new Red!

Anyway, events of the last few days have caused me to wonder, What if the country threw a civil war and nobody noticed? 

A civil war of sorts HAS been going on behind the radar, actually,  all wars being bankster wars, civil or not.  I’ve taken note of many “died unexpectedlys,” the golf and casino “accidents” and “apparent suicides” among the bankster classes for approximately two years, ever since the massive discontinuity in the markets during October 2008.  There were short obits in Bloomberg or Forbes or the WSJ, but nothing more ever came of any of it and no journalist appears able or willing to connect the dots.

However, now that the war has reached the political minion class, it’s kind of hard for the general public NOT to notice.  I think we may have crossed the Rubicon, so to speak, and here’s how I know:  Friday it was announced that New Jersey’s state version of FEMA was open for business, summoning all sorts of emergency first responders and deploying extra police to patrol the highways. It was all supposedly for a storm everyone knew was going to be a yawn. My BS Buzzer went off and I searched for the “real” reason for the activation.  After all we had a State of Emergency in New Jersey the week before Christmas and New Years, and the Center was not activated then, so why now?

I noticed that both NJEA DHS threatmeters had us at a “Significant Risk of Terrorist Attack.”  Are they typically set at that level? Who knows; I stopped paying attention years ago.  I’d rather pay attention to the Wonkbot Terror Alerts, because at least they’re funny.

Yet . . . The news provided all sorts of reasons for the state – actually the whole country – to be on alert.  As high profile D.C. staffers stepped down from their posts one by one little bomblets were going off in Maryland and D.C. post offices, one meant for Homeland Security Secretary Janet Neopolitano. A former Bush aide and an extremely high-level Pentagon-type, John P. Wheeler,  had just turned up dead in a dumpster not far from here. 

As the weekend passed things got worse:  On Saturday, incidentally a key emotional-release date identified by the folks at Half Past Human, Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Gifford, the first Jewish female lawmaker in Arizona and wife of Endeavor shuttle commander Mark Kelly, was shot in the head by a so-called lone gunman.  Two days later Ashley Turton, former Chief of Staff to Democratic Congresswoman (Rosa DeLauro) and the wife of a White House staffer, was found dead in burnt car . Her husband is in charge of legislative affairs. 

Clearly its a bad time to be a Washington D.C. Power Couple.  Not so clear, however, is what’s driving all this murderous mayhem.  The vote on the repeal of the Health Care law has been put on hold on account of the recent murders and attempted murder, and this is NOT a coincidence IMHO. To go to war over a healthcare bill seems like insanity, but several congresscritters who voted for it have been getting death threats.  HMMMM. Could it be that the “health care bill” really wasn’t about health care at all, but about rendering the Constitution moot with its invasive central control provisions?  That’s my suspicion, but I don’t know anyone who shares it. 

I am worried, though:  Any high profile politico on the wrong side of the U.S. Constitution WILL, eventually – if not right away – be subject to the “Second Amendment Solution” once the public finally realizes what’s been done.  Maybe not guns, but at least pitchforks, tar, feathers, hanging on lamp posts, etc.  It’s just the way certain people in this country roll, and guess what: The entire U.S. military made an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution. I would really hate to see matters degrade to such an extent but I fear it may be too late.  I’ve been watching the “war” for years and perhaps that makes me jaded over the realization that we’re probably going to see more politically-motivated murders as the country’s MASSIVE financial, economic, debt and unemployment problems finally come home to roost.

The media reacted to Gabrielle Gifford’s “lone gunman” in the predictable manner, alluding (or outright suggesting) that he was a selfi-styled Patriot militia-type, an anti-Semitic rightwing christian teapartier reacting to a Sarah Palin fatwa.  Instead it turned out that the gunman is a registered Independent and a Jewish athiest (apparently not an oxymoron) who, quite weirdly, counts the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf among his favorite books. His mother reportedly attends the same synagogue as the hanging-by-a-thread Gifford.  Furthermore, to the consternation of the liberal chattering classes: He doesn’t listen to talk radio or watch Fox news.

Does the shooter’s demographic profile matter?  Actually, yes, due to the irresponsible media reaction to the incident.  Besides, when it comes to assassinations, “lone gunman theories” are  bullshit anyway.  Agents working for  TPTB factions are VERY careful about which nihilistic nutjobs they groom for this job or that.  These incidents are MEANT to achieve political aims, and nothing, nothing, nothing is as it seems. You probably won’t even be able to tell who the “good guys” and the “bad guys” are as more incidents make the news, so . . . sorry but I can’t resist . . . Hold your fire.  By that I mean on your blogs, verbally, financially and otherwise.  Just make sure you have your emergency/evacuation provisions and plans in order, then sit back and let things play out and for God’s sake stay out of their way.

Update 1/14/11: Vincent McCrudden, CEO Of Alnbri Management, Arrested For Threatening To Kill Members Of SEC, FINRA And CFTC  Apparently the hedgie had a hit list!

Palm Springs man arrested for alleged death threats against Seattle congressman

More threats to Wisconsin Legislators

Death threats to Bay area senator

Man arrested after threats to Rep. Jim McDermott: ‘I’ll kill his family’

Missile Launcher found in Escondito


Mysterious Explosive Device found at Florida Walgreens

Crime Scene: BMW explodes in Arlington

Fort Hood Sergeant Found Dead In Dallas Hotel Room

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Image: Engadget.com

CIA’s WikiLeaks Task Force: WTF, Indeed Wired News (blog)

Actually, I’m now more than ever convinces Wikileaks is a CIA funded psychological operation. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, so long as the leaked information is actually true.  But . . . notice how relatively unscathed the CIA has remained over the last few months? And wait a minute: Whatever happened to that purported datadump on Bank of America? <crickets/>  Hmmm qui bono qui bono qui bono . . .

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Some things are connected that you’d never guess. 

I’m a pattern seeker. I can’t help myself.  I’ve been watching the bankster wars for a long time – you could call it my hobby –  and I see some strong patterns and connections in seemingly random news events.  Many news items over the past several weeks portend doom for one of the factions.

Who reading this is old enough to remember the first Farm Aid concert? In the 80′s Willie Nelson and his friends tried to help American farmers who had fallen victim to what appeared to be a very well orchestrated and executed ‘farm-grab’ by an alliance of bankers, lawyers and government officials.  The swindle involved fraudulent foreclosures facililtated by fractional reserve lending, and likely other methods falling under a huge umbrella labeled Enterprise Corruption (a class B felony).  It’s white-collar crime, difficult to prosecute and often ignored.

(Psst! There is a too-big-to-fancy-itself-clandestine entity that refers to itself as “the Enterprise.”  It certainly engages in enterprise corruption, but you are not supposed to know about the Enterprise, so shh. This post is about something else anyway.)

A class action suit was filed against the US Government by a few of the affected  farmers, and the case made it all the way to the Supreme Court where they finally settled in the late’90’s.   Settlements generally mean there is no admission to wrongdoing, so it’s likely we’ll never know what really went down. 

Sadly for the farmers, the US government sat on the farm claims settlement for years but would not fund it.  Plaintiffs died in poverty and of old age waiting for their payouts. Why? What was the big deal? Why was the US government stalling?  The Fed could have just printed the money  (in the modern sense of the phrase) and given it to the farmers and been done with it. After the Supreme Court there’s really noplace else for the US to appeal, right?

Here’s MY guess: Stare Decisis, bitches!   I have my suspicions thanks to my OTHER hobby: Reading the spook-controlled “alternative” and New Age woo woo websites (Pinky reads the woo, so you don’t have to).  Why do I bother?  Partly for the grains-of-truth and entertaining allegories (aliens, reptiles, ha), but mostly for the patterns.  The woo woo world has been fussing about the Farm Claims for at least a decade, calling the long-promised payouts the catalyst that will bring about their utopian visions for humanity, which include a new global gold-backed currency. 

From  the mythologized gossip and promises and disinfo patterns I’ve concluded the contents of the farm claims settlement MUST contain some peculiar provisions with some grave implications, grave in the sense of dead serious, ding dong the Fed is Dead serious.  This case could have been the kick in the butt needed for the United States, and later the whole world, to get serious about reforming the global central banking system(s).  

Check the more mainstream corners of the blogosphere and sure enough, efforts have been made behind the scenes on global banking reforms that would significantly reduce the power of the US Federal Reserve Bank, reforms that allow money movements to be tightly tracked. Every dollar was to leave a footprint . . . in some situations a skid mark.  There would be no more offshore tax havens or shadow banking systems, and no more frenzied credit bubbles and crash-cleanups.  Most interestingly, at least if you go by what the conspiracy crowd is swooning over, control of the US banking system was even supposed to revert to the US Treasury.

The Enterprise seems most displeased by these developments because the Federal Reserve is the engine that powers the Enterprise.  Its members rely upon opaque money pools and secret movements – money laundering if you will – to achieve Enterprise objectives.  Adoption of a transparent global banking system would more than just cramp their style, actually, it would probably end the Enterprise and globalism in general.   Consequently the Powers That Be controlling the US government – i.e., the shareholders of the Federal Reserve banking system and the “shadow state” within the US government – would not allow the reforms to be implemented no matter how many accommodations were made.  

Long standing grievances from Native Americans, also swindled out of their nations’ resources by the bankster, legal and political classes, added to the pressure to settle accounts. Under increasingly grave threats,  I suspect increasingly facilitated by the people behind Wikileaks, Obama finally signed a bill to fund the settlement on Wednesday, not because  the US government cares about black farmers or Native Americans but due to – and in spite of – all the consequences and implications. Damned if they did, damned if they didn’t. Keeping the dirt under the rug proved the more compelling option.  

The victory is being presented in the media as reparations for minorities, causing the predictable WAH WAH WAH from conservative reactionaries, but they don’t know the whole story:  The US Supreme Court settled over a decade ago. The US had been waiting for the plaintiffs to die, and putting off the consequences of the settlement as long as possible.

If all this is true, then the farm claims case could be the most significant and far reaching class action lawsuit ever pursued in our nation’s history, at least from the perspective of the banking classes and the governments they control.  That the native Americans get to see some justice is some extra tasty gravy!  Once the general public figures out what banks routinely do to people, Sleepwaking America will wake up (handy case in point: Todays mortgage and foreclosure crisis).  Americans are already pissed off at the banksters, because slowly but surely they’re finally getting it: The Federal Reserve uses fractional reserve lending to ensure the orderly flow of wealth from the working class to the Fed’s shareholders.  That whole economies boom and bust from central-banking created stock bubbles is not a flaw in the system; it’s a design feature the Enterprise relies upon to do its “work.” 

And THAT’S what the central banks don’t want you to know, and why I think they’re pissing their pants over the prospect of Wikileaks dumping the central banking systems’ dirty laundry.  The corruption was described in detail in Confessions of an Economic Hitman several years ago, but not many Americans read books any more. Americans do, however, read things on the internet, the modern Gutenberg Press.  Hence all the statist efforts to centralize control of the World Wide Web.

Hey, wait!  Where is all that damaging information about that major US bank, anyway?  Probably deep-sixed now that the farm claims settlement has been funded. So, is everything fine and dandy now?  Hell no. They could go all the way with the citizen issue, and declare Obama’s signature null and void. But that would also undo everything else he signed, and Wikileaks has over 500 mirror sites and a poison pill . . . ahhhhh maybe not.  Got a plan B?

How about this?  “An un named official”  just announced that all those “new” hundred dollar Benjamins  – I’ve come to understand they’ve been sitting in storage for years  – are reportedly to be destroyed due to production errors.   I’m suspicious: “Un named officials” quoted by mainstream media outlets are typically spooks, which is strange because on the surface this seems pretty ordinary stuff. Why rely on an unnamed source when an official spokesperson from the Treasury and the Fed could easily have said the same thing? 

Because deception is involved, that’s why. 

Is it a delay tactic?  As does the guy at Road to Roota I think those Benjamins were hanging out waiting for a new, resource-based, Treasury-controlled banking system with new electronic tracking abilities.  NOW they notice a flaw in some of them, after all these years? But of course they only noticed now!  Let me hazard a guess:  The Feds finally had to take them out storage because of the settlement?  Oh rats, they’re no good, so they have to be reprinted!  Oh but that will take a long time!  But we can’t have a new  banking system without new paper money, correct?

Tick, tock, tick, toc. Time is running out.

Then again, it could be as simple as it appears:  They made new $100 bills and whoops, honest mistake.  Unfortunately, with the brain-stem thinkers behind the scenes Occam’s Razor never applies.  Let me screw on my tinfoil hat a little tighter. If you want to join me down this rabbit hole, start with these questions:

Who is allowed to print money?
What IS money, anyway?
When do bankers create money?
Where is money kept?
How is it created?

and most importantly

WHY can they do it, and you can’t?

Coins used to be called sovereigns. Why? Because only sovereigns can create “money.”  Yes: America declaring its sovereignty from England was about money!  YOU can’t create money because you are not sovereign. Get it? You’re a serf. I’m a serf. As did the serfs in Russia centuries ago we turn over about 1/3 of our labor to our lords and masters.  And we don’t even get free room and board for it like the Russians did!

How long will it before the world wakes up? This really can only end two ways, if there truly is to be a global banking system, and like it or not we seem to be headed that way:  Eternal debt slavery on a global plantation, OR – and I know this is a loaded word – Freedom, with all the sovereign rights and responsibilities that go with it.

Which way will history tip?  I believe there is reason to hope. I’ve been waiting for two years for a reason to post this poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, and this week’s events, I believe, are enough.  He wrote of England, but imagine him calling out to America:

The Masque of Anarchy

(it’s long; this is an excerpt)

“Men of England, heirs of Glory,
Heroes of unwritten story,
Nurslings of one mighty Mother,
Hopes of her, and one another;
What is Freedom? Ye can tell
That which Slavery is too well,
For its very name has grown
To an echo of your own
Let a vast assembly be,
And with great solemnity
Declare with measured words, that ye
Are, as God has made ye, free!
The old laws of England–they
Whose reverend heads with age are grey,
Children of a wiser day;
And whose solemn voice must be
Thine own echo–Liberty!
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many — they are few”


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