
Archive for the ‘Man of War’ Category

Dad with his friend Jose

This post is my belated and longer than expected response to the “Obamacare Decision.”  Belated because my father died in June and I was too busy grieving to weigh in on anything, let alone politics.  Longer than expected because really, this post is more about my dad than it is about healthcare. 

The bottom line is that the Government run healthcare changed my father’s life, and because of this, it changed ours. For the better. 

In June the blogosphere was abuzz about “ObamaCare” even though Mitt Romney could arguably be called the Grandfather of the Health Insurance Mandate. Shouldn’t we be calling it Obamneycare? Nah. We should call it the 1989 Heritage Foundation Personal Responsibility Mandate, because that’s where it was originally cooked up.  That some folks deem the requirement that one BUY a product with one’s OWN MONEY “socialist,” when it’s clearly fascist diktat, is a testament to the sorry state of the public school system, which apparently no longer teaches history or civics. In other news, the next big social problem – homelessness – will be solved when Congress passes a bill mandating everyone buy a house. Wait for it!

But I couldn’t be bothered to blog about “Obamneycare” or the Supreme Court decision, because my Dad was missing. Again.

Some may wonder how our family ever let things deteriorate to the point where a family member can disappear and we don’t call the cops, especially when the missing person is mentally ill. But when solitary, immovable obstinance  is THE defining character of the person’s mental illness, one just rolls with it, and after awhile it starts to feel normal. Such was life with my father.

Dad wasn’t always obstinant and solitary, at least in my memory.  Mom said he’d had an “emotional break” when he was in the Air Force, but when I was very young he was in a good place mentally, and he was a good dad. He was brilliant – a ’70s computer programmer – and kind and caring, good to animals (we had cats, and for awhile a lamb named Suzanne) and saw to my intellectual development at an early age. He taught me how to write when I was barely three.

I have good memories of lying on the driveway next to Dad on a hot summer night where he explained the planets and constellations. He said I should go to the Air Force Academy and become a lawyer. Those were happy times. I still have the stuffed animals he brought home from his business trips when I was just a baby: Pitiful Pooch, Teddy and Piggy.


Unfortunately by the time my sister was born my father was emotionally fragile and rapidly going downhill.  She never got to know the dad that I once knew.  All she knew was catatonia and mental hospitals, divorce and alcoholism, unemployment and homelessness.  By then for both of us, visiting Dad on weekends meant captivity in his van while he drove around the Minnesota and Wisconsin countryside looking at birds and saying strange things. He loved birds.  In the end it was a bird that killed him, but I’m getting ahead of the story.

When I was in college my dad, by then in his late forties or early fifties, disappeared for 3 years. I think he was just driving around, crashing on sofas, or sleeping in his car. At least he was wildlife-spotting on the Iron Range where he grew up, his world of big bossy immigrant families, iron mines, corn and cattle farms, and Anabaptist austerity.  He had run away to join the Air Force to get away from his childhood, but he was, like his father, a solitary farmer-woodsman at heart.

Dad’s model airplane, displayed at his memorial service

At some point Social Services got a hold of him and things got more stable after that.  Dad got an apartment, health insurance from the VA, an anti-depressant prescription and a disability check.  He picked up an old hobby, building and flying model airplanes. He also got a bird or two or three: The last one was a cockateil named Jose.  A few years later he qualified for Social Security and we all breathed a collective sigh of relief because he could afford the independence and solitude that he craved.

Still, he didn’t tell us about his early 1990’s heart bypass until his second operation, because “they made him call.”  He was a terrible communicator.  In fact, a few years later we didn’t find out grandma had died until after the funeral.  Looking back on the situation I think a big part of my father’s mental difficulties came from not enough oxygen getting to his brain.  He also had multiple undiagnosed food allergies that contributed to his depression, plus he developed Bird Lung from his pets. Since I know what oxygen deprivation feels like, I more easily can forgive him today for all the crazy stuff that he did or did not do back then, or said or did not say.

As he got older it was just simple things that caused us to lose contact:  He lost his hearing aid and couldn’t hear the phone ring.  He kicked the phone cord out of the wall and didn’t bother to plug it back in.  I made sure to visit him every time I went home to Minnesota. Had I known in college that once I moved to new Jersey I’d only see my dad a handful of times before he died, would I have visited more often? Most certainly yes.

Late April I was on the phone with him, trying to talk him out of a road trip,  because frankly he was a menace on the road and really needed to give up his license. Couldn’t he take the train instead? He responded in the usual manner: Play deaf and yammer away about birds or some suchwhat. When I shouted so loud and insistently that at least he get a cell phone just in case he van broke down, he promised to look into it.   Also called “Yessing them to death.”

Weeks passed. No call, no answer.  This time it felt different:  I was having visions of my father as a young man, the way I saw him when I was three years old. To me that was a sign that things were near or at the End and I knew I needed to do something. By then I’d gotten used to checking up on him by way of the apartment management and did so.  He finally called, and shared with me the fact that he’d recently been confined to a wheel chair with an oxygen tank and couldn’t go on his road trip.  Could I come out in July and drive him to the family reunion? For the moment at least, the bad news was the good news: Being confined to a wheelchair meant he wouldn’t be driving anymore.

I found the social worker who took care of the residents at his apartment and long story short, it took me and my sister two weeks and three or four social workers to find an open bed at a nursing home that accepted Social Security and medical assistance. My mother, her husband, and my dad’s sister and her husband were all very helpful in our absence, especially when it came to Dad’s apartment. During those two weeks Dad was in a private nursing care facility that did not accept insurance.  Jen and her kids flew out and I made arrangements to come out in July, which was a bad call on my part because Dad didn’t have that kind of time.   That’s Jen holding dad’s hand below.

But before that, Dad and I had one last phone call.  He did most of the talking, and I did not bother to interject with my opinions, or correct his misperceptions, because really, there was no point to it. He just wanted to get it all out.  He assured me that there was no reason to worry, that he was getting the best care in the world, and that he was happy and looking forward to being with his father again, because he could talk to “all of them” now.

“I know,” he said, “Because I know your background, that “pagan” stuff that you do, that I don’t need to explain these things to you.”

That’s when I knew he was having intermittent out-of-body experiences and visiting the people he loved. “You understand these things.  I know you’ll be okay and that you know I’m okay.”  I said yes.

The Veterans Administration hospital at One Veterans Way, Minneapolis MN. A third of the nation’s 24 million veterans get their health care from the VA.

The next day Dad became grumpy that things weren’t going his way. I understand his meeting with his caseworkers was, um, interesting. I knew it was his M.O. to mentally “check out” when he percieved people – especially women – trying to control him. He’d barely gotten settled into his new nursing home situation before a nervous medic called me in the middle of the night with bad test results.  I agreed with his recommendation and had him transferred to the VA.

Dad with the grandkids

I didn’t freak out when Spooky heard a man’s footsteps in the house the morning before the day that my father died. I knew we had to get to Minnesota soon and was just trying to make professional arrangements for the cats, because there were too many litterboxes to ask a friend to take care of. On June 24, a Sunday, for some strange reason Spooky and I decided to watch a movie before breakfast.  We never did that before.  What person in their right mind would do anything before breakfast on a weekend?  The movie was called A Wedding for Bella.  The plot involved a couple trying to pull off a wedding before the family matriarch died.  The couple failed: She died before the wedding and that’s when I knew we weren’t going to make it to Minnesota in time to see Dad alive, let alone for him to see me and Spooky get married.  I ran to the bathroom and cried and cried.

Spooky wanted to come to Minnesota with Bunny and me, but since we couldn’t find a pet sitter he reluctantly stayed behind.   Dad died while Bunny and I were at the airport waiting for our flight, so we had to say our goodbyes at the morgue.   I knew that waxy popsicle was not my father.  His body was an empty shell that failed my father when he was but a young man, a defective vehicle that had deprived him of most of what he valued.  He was happy to shuck it off, so why was it so hard for me to say goodbye to it?

Dad’s memorial cake

Of course, as every adult whose had to attend to the affairs of a recently deceased loved one, that was not the end of it.  There was an apartment to clean, accounts to close, headstones to pay for and final arrangements to make.  We’ll be driving out there next week to attend a family gathering in my Dad’s honor. We’re going to put his ashes in on of his planes and . . . We’ll think of something.

All in all however, I have only good things to say about my recent experience with so-called “Government Healthcare.”  The staff at the VA were efficient, professional and kind, and even the newbies and the volunteers were helpful.   This competence is contrasted with the staff at the two privately run nursing homes we did business with, who were more like the Keystone Kops, kind but utterly clueless. The place that took medical assistance couldn’t answer our questions, didn’t know where he was, who his social worker was going to be, couldn’t locate his personal effects until at least a week after he died, and even then we had to make two trips.  The “good” nursing home, the one that didn’t take insurance, returned my call 2 weeks after I tried to find out how much it would cost, only to be told they had no record of my father ever having been there. Then they sent my sister a bill.

The VA knew what it was doing.  They gave my father dignity in death and I’ll always be grateful for that.  In a way you could say my father’s whole adult life is a testament to what public assistance and so-called “Government entitlements” can do for individuals and families.  I wouldn’t want to live an America that didn’t have them.

Jen scatters Dad’s ashes at the bird sanctuary he loved

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Grumpy Old Men indeed:

ATLANTA—Frederick Thomas, 73, of Cleveland, Ga.; Dan Roberts, 67, of Toccoa, Ga.; Ray H. Adams, 65, of Toccoa; and Samuel J. Crump, 68, of Toccoa, were arrested today relating to plans to obtain an unregistered explosive device and silencer and to manufacture the biological toxin ricin for use in attacks against other U.S. citizens and government personnel and officials.

If you read the news, please notice how nowhere is the race, nationality or religion of this terror cell mentioned.  This is because because when white christians commit terrorist acts they are “lone wolves” or “lone nuts,” unlike those scaree mooslims, who are all radical terrists because, uh, sharia!   Totally logical!  So you see these guys were all just lone wolves. Four lone nuts each a “lone wolf” attacker, who like true lone wolves were actually part of a wolf pack, see?  Just have another gulp of that bourbon, because it only makes sense if you’re drunk.  

The FBI complaint alleges that in October 2011, the fellow Crump sourced the raw materials to make ricin and said he and his buds were going to make 10 pounds of it and disperse it in various cities. He discussed having a “bucket list” of government officials, business leaders and members of the media who needed to be “taken out” . . .  because that would solve . . . uh . . . what problem exactly?  I didn’t get that part.  Maybe I need another drink.

Oh wait yes I did read it somewhere: “To save the Constitution.”  It reminds me of another South Park episode, with the underpants gnomes saying first we steal the underpants . . .

1. Steal underpants
2. ?
3. Profit!

Since the destroyers of the Constitution aren’t even within these lone nuts’ gun sights I don’t get how executing this grand master plan would save the Constitution. Maybe they can explain this during their confessions; i.e., how a bunch of globalist economic hit men, none of whom would work for the government on a dare, would be devastated by these geezers gone rogue and decide oh, nevermind, here’s your Constitution, we had it here in our pockets the whole time. Huh? 

Then pour yourself another because it gets even better:  All four suspects reportedly retired from government agencies or contractors.  These Geriatric jihadis all used to work for the government and are all now pissed off at all those government employees!  You see it’s all those OTHER government employees, destroying the Constitution. Apparently they suffer no cognitive dissonance from this.  They don’t realize that, following their own logic they are part of their own problem and could’ve saved everyone the trouble by sniffing some ricin.

Now it’s time to add a handful of crazypills to your bourbon chaser:  The man who inspired this terrorist cell is an occasional guest on Fox News and the author of the book Absolved, about people who, well I guess, make ricin and kill government employees or something?  Really?  Oh, and this takes the cake:  This author/Fox news “expert,” this anti-government agitator, Tea Party leader and now inspiration apparently, lives on government disability checks.

Wait a minute . . . Is this a parody?  Or, perhaps, completely staged? Was this a sting operation, with Crump the paid instigator?  I’d type something like you just can’t make this shit up, but really, it’s so crazy it sounds made up.  Imagine a bunch of COINTELPRO agent getting drunk and then one of them saying  “Hey listen to this . . .we could . . .”

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Still cracks me up every time.


Free Documentary Screening Oct 2-8


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I’ve now seen both the final Harry Potter movie and the new Captain America movie. I’m obviously not the first to notice that in each the antagonist has no nose.

So. Are the bad guys evil because they are noseless, or are they noseless because they are evil? HMMMMM.

(Spoiler alert: Stop reading now if you plan to see either movie!)

I pondered this most-important subject this morning because I was lying in agony with another goddamn bladder infection and had little else to do.  Both movies are allegories for the eternal/infernal war between the Crown and the Krauts, and as you know I’m really into watching it, trying my best to remain in observer mode.  It’s so confusing sometimes I can barely determine who’s a Crown and who’s a Kraut. You’d think it would be bloody obvious, but it’s not. 

It’s not ethnicity or citizenship that sets these two factions apart; it’s their approach to herd management.   I hope that makes sense, because otherwise the war would appear no more than petty bickering over two different approaches to socialism (reformist vs revolutionary).  Actually the difference between the two factions is almost metaphysical. It’s a very very big deal and an awful lot is at stake.

In both movies the Crown faction wins, and at the end we are relieved to discover each protagonist is not really dead despite the fact that he probably should be.  Let that be a lesson to the Krauts, I suppose. Then again the Crown financed both movies, so there is likely more than a little bias to them. These two movies could mark the survival of, and triumph over, an epic assault on British-American social values and means of exchange,  but as the Cherman faction says,  ‘Fur uns ist der Krieg niemals vorbei.’  This war will never be over. 

There is no question (in my mind at least) that the British Fabian Society had a hand in the development of the Harry Potter series. However, ownership of Captain America appears to have changed idealogical hands in 2009 from the globalist “New World Order” faction to more patriotic interests in the United States. Marvel Entertainment, which owns the Captain America franchise, used to belong to New World Pictures, which morphed into New World Entertainment, which later became New World Communications. There were related companies/subsidiaries – New World Television, New World Video, New World Family Filmworks and New World International.  Marvel became a division of New World Animation in 1993.

ZOMG it’s NIBIRU Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Hahhaha

Uh . . . Sensing an attachment to this brave “New World?”  Uhm, yeah.

Anyway, Captain America was assassinated by this “New World” order in 2007 (vol. 5, #25).  However, the New World media companies are defunct today.   Rupert Murdoch put most of what was left of “new world media” under its Fox umbrella, and in 2009 Walt Disney purchased Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion(!). Interestingly, Walt Disney was a founding member of the anti-communist Motion Picture Alliance for the Preservation of American Ideals

Kinda looks like Hogwarts, doesn’t it?

Shortly after purchase by this most American company, Captain America was “reborn,” or, to be specific, found to not really be dead after all, just stuck in Time.  The story of Captain America’s return to service is an obvious (to me) allegory to world events, such that I’m tempted to become a comic book geek.

Anyway, back to the noseless thing.  What does it mean? I can’ only venture a guess. Remember this guy?  It’s the modern Peter Pan, the magical boy who didn’t want to grow up. Fearing the aging process is arguably a proxy for fearing death, and that’s the small thread I’m grabbing to drag him into my essay. Jackson used his talents to achieve his idea of “perfection” but the more he tried the worse things got.  Inwardly focused, Jackson slid down a spiral of self-loathing as he forced one transformation upon himself after  another after another,  not knowing when to quit. He ended up with no nose: He had to have it reconstructed. He turned to drugs and predictably self-destructed. And now he’s dead.

Voldemort and Schmidt/RedSkull (Cherman, ja, sicher) share similar fatal flaws, all stemming, ultimately, from their nihilism and fear of death.  Both antagonists are drawn to the dark side of occultism and they abuse whatever power they can steal.  Cut off from any sense of the Divine,* wanting to play God or even wanting to BE God, they repeatedly force physical and metaphysical transformations upon themselves, not knowing when to quit. Neither Voldemort nor Schmidt has the character or moral strength necessary to manage their transformations, and somehow both of them lose their noses along the way.  Perhaps their skull like appearances reinforce the “death cult” image.

Meanwhile Voldemort and Schmidt attempt to mold the world into their personal utopias, societies of greatness where they would live as gods walking on earth. Not surprisingly, with the exception of their homogeneous minions, the world is repelled and fights back.   Consequently Voldemort’s and Schmidt’s resentments, stemming from their hatred of the difference between the way they thought the world ought to be and the way the world really is,  degenerate into murderous rage.  Each embarks upon a deadly rampage against the very people they tried to lead to paradise.

The anarchist, the aesthete, the mystic, the socialist revolutionary, even if they do not despair of the future, have in common with the pessimist a single sentiment of hatred and disgust for the existing order, a single craving to destroy or to escape from reality. Collective melancholy would not have penetrated consciousness so far, if it had not undergone a morbid development. 

– Durkheim


The movies’ antagonists are not inwardly focused like Michael Jackson, because that would have made for two really boring movies. Instead, Voldemort and Schmidt are outwardly focused: They project their rage at anyone or anything that irks them, including their own soldiers, and set out to destroy worlds that do not bend to their demands. They want to watch the world burn – hell, they want to set it on fire – so they may rebuild new worlds in their own images.  In that sense both Voldemort and Schmidt resemble Marxist idealogues.  Marxist revolutionaries don’t want to “change” society; they want to destroy the old order to create a utopia.  

Something to read later:  From Darkness to Light: Class, Consciousness and Salvation in Revolutionary Russia by Igal Halfin

Something else to read later: The Magic of Marxism, by Michael Polanyi

Oh and here’s another good one: Leo Strauss on German Nihilism (1941)

For the first time in my life – really – I wish I had the academic chops to expound upon the whole American-Brit-inspired Bad Guys = Nazis/Marxist/Nihilists meme in popular culture.  Unfortunately I do not know enough about National Socialism, Marxism, Nihilism, or even philosophy to continue down that path.  I find philosophical ponderings extremely self indulgent anyway, a sign of having way too much time on one’s hands.  Consequently, all you’re going to get from me are myopic generalities and personal observations. I’d wager volumes have already been written about the Brit-Celt /Teutonic-Slavic philosophical divide(s), and today I wish I could get my mitts on a few of them.  

I will, however, go out on an opinionated limb  (this being my self-indulgent blog) and suggest that both the Harry Potter and Captain America movies are Crown Faction social commentaries against the Kraut Faction.  They present British-American social values as being superior to those of their more collectivist-revolutionary-authoritarian European neighbors. From watching the fray I know the Krauts almost nailed them this round, but somehow the Crown prevailed, this time by initially playing possum.  Then they put their feet down hard at the 11th hour.

“There’s a reason you never win . . . it’s ’cause I never let you!”

It wasn’t just the U.S. military, represented by the oh-so-American Steve Rogers (Captain America), or the white-hatted British secret societies represented by Hogwarts,* that won the day for the Crown.  In American-Brit belief systems Providence favors the righteous and the good, and there is a Divine Force to whom all are accountable, including their royals and elites. To the revolutionary-marxist-nihilists, however, God is Dead.  There is no karma, no higher meaning, no morality nothing but the raw use of power to force an (ironically) moral stance from a top-down central authority. It’s their fatal flaw, the one that consigns them to loser status time and time again. Since they reject the Prime Super-Soldier it should surprise no one that “God is on our side” takes on literal meaning.

So, how are the Krauts reacting to their defeat?

Huh? Defeat? What defeat? ‘Fur uns ist der Krieg niemals vorbei.’

You see, that’s the nature of the beast:  The collectivist-authoritarians can’t help themselves, and they don’t know when to quit. Teutonic personalities in particular don’t know when to quit. The most you’ll get from the Kraut Faction is the occasional Rumplestiltzkin-like temper tantrum, a nihilistic implosion, and unfortunately those tend to be destructive and deadly. Will they end up without noses?  Maybe they’ll just cut-em off and say “So THERE!”   We can only watch and wait.

*It’s not a question of “believing in God” or not believing, because plenty who say they believe in God are similarly disconnected from Divine Source, Descarte’s “Seat of the Soul.”  The disconnect could be the result of a nonfunctioning pineal gland.

** There is an American Hogwarts. Really!

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We are not scared any more. Your threats to arrest us are meaningless to us as you cannot arrest an idea.

(French accent) Uh oh. La Resistance! Eet has begun!

Sigh.  OK,if you MUST. Just . . . Sigh. Here ya go.  WHATEVER you do, if you have to get involved, just be original. Don’t dress like those Euro-weenie nihilist-anarchists who express their individuality by looking exactly alike! (I’m a fashionista, I have standards. I can’t help it.)

My advice to the earnest:

1. Beware of any video, website or plan that looks too “slick.” If it’s beautifully and expensively produced (Zeitgeist, etc.), and especially if it purports to be a “news” site but with no visible means of support, somebody’s tax monies – or some very rich PTB type – probably paid for it.

2. If it’s a “foreign” website meant for an English speaking audience, it’s probably a (DoD funded – hi guys!) psyop.

3. Beware the agent provacateurs. No, not the lingerie models(NSFW), though you should probably beware of them too.  I mean the Feds pretending to be Reds. The agents are “flash mobbing” in Philadelphia this week (yawn). Those booted bandana brigades are likely on somebody’s payroll.

4. Mind the minders. “Anonymous” is not anonymous. There is no such thing

The stakes are really high here. This is a bankster faction war, with an “enemy within” as perceived by the present Powers, with double and triple agents working at cross purposes to one another. We’re in the middle of an End Game.  Wannabe anarchists, if you think you can figure out who’s who in this clusterfuck, you’re delusional. You can’t tell the black hats from the white, so be really, really, really careful about picking sides. If you do pick sides, just know that someday you may despair that you picked the wrong one.

For instance, if you’re not a fan of socialism, maybe you want to avoid being caught up in the “world revolution” at your doorstep. Look up the term “useful idiot” and the basic steps involved in such takeovers. Then think about it.

Then again, for all we know the bankster factions are just fighting over who gets to live off the labor of the American/European/African slaves (us), in which case I wouldn’t want to help any of them, including letting my rage be channeled into activities that ultimately serve their interests.

Besides, would I want my “brilliant anarchist plans” to totally bollux a nearby operation run by people who really DO have the country’s best interests at heart? If there are any? Personally, I would never take that chance.

I have faith in the US military.  Of course, I’m biased since I work for them. I don’t care. I’m just going to let those (former . . . ish?) rangers, seals, crows and Flying Templars do their thing, because really, do you think they’d be standing idly by? Hah! They actually held up their hands and swore to uphold the Constitution and literally devoted their lives to American interests, so I’m inclined to take them at their word. Me thinks they are extra, extra busy these days.

All hail Discordia and all that – I’ll do my part to frustrate the Controllers with GIGO. I’m also prepped up the wazoo. But the Powers and the Controllers rely HEAVILY on our electronic footprints. The ultimate way to frustrate the hell out of them is not to SIGN UP for the resistance, for God’s sake, or express your creative rage on the internet. It’s to make your trail go cold!

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From Zero Hedge today:

Sigma X Trading Suggests European Contagion May Be Shifting From Italy To The UK

. . . . Well, based on today’s action at Sigma X, the next, and probably biggest domino may be about to fall: the UK itself, because coming in at position #2, just behind UniCredit, we see Lloyds Banking. And if Lloyds goes, the ones that will follow are Barclays and RBS. At that point, the financial crisis goes global.

Are the dark pools aiming to deliver a broadside? Yikes, I really hope the folks at Zero Hedge are wrong because

1. I hear the coffee at that little cafe in Lloyds is really good; and

2. Barclays manages my 401K.

Who is  SigmaX?

Then again if Lloyds goes down it will be hugely symbolic because the company made its name, and its fortune, on the slave trade: 

(Wikipedia) The market began in Lloyd’s Coffee House, opened by Edward Lloyd around 1688 in Tower Street, London. This establishment was a popular place for sailors, merchants, and ship owners, and Lloyd catered to them with reliable shipping news. The shipping industry community frequented the place to discuss insurance deals among themselves . . . <snip> . . . Due to the focus on marine business, during the formative years of Lloyd’s (between 1688 and 1807), one of the primary sources of Lloyd’s business was the insurance of ships engaged in slave trading,[3] as Britain rapidly established itself as the chief slave trading power in the Atlantic. British shipping carried more than 3.25 million people into slavery,[4] meaning that by the end of the eighteenth century, slave trading had become one of the primary constituents of all British trade.

HMMMM. I wonder what “The Names” are doing now?  Unlimited liability, beetchez!!!  They’re only 14% of Lloyds financial capacity, supposedly.  But that’s impossible, that these Names should be allowed to lose money!!! (SNARK ALERT) Certainly they were given advance notice so they could cut and run . . .  or jump ship, if you’ll pardon the puns?

Nautical Phrases


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 I only wish there were more, not less, brawls on the House floor

So Obama walked out of a debt ceiling discussion. Yawn. I’m just surprised there haven’t been more tantrums all around.

Just a little reminder to those of you still fooled by the congressional and presidential sideshows:  Neither the Democrat nor the Republican plan cuts the deficit. BOTH INCREASE IT.  All either budget would do is slow the rate of growth. Neither budget would prevent collapse.

Obama can do nothing about it.  All he knows is that the country is going down with him at the helm and he’s not happy about it. And who would be.

So this is all just pantomime.  They’re not arguing over the budget; rather they’re arguing about what to do about the fact that the US has already defaulted on its debt, and is raiding its main government retirement plan (FERS “G” Fund) to pay its bills. It’s also raiding the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in lieu of interest payments to our foreign investors. It’s all going to run out, and soon the government will need to raid another fund. 

Social Security, Medicare, military retirements, disability benefits, soldier/sailor salaries. Which do YOU want to go first? 

NONE OF IT, of course. No congresscritter wants to go down in history for allowing any of it. Unfortunately there are no “less bad” options.  They’re all unthinkable. There are no alternatives short of debt repudiation. It’s GAME OVER. 

“Ultimately that is going to happen anyway because we are insolvent.”

– Ron Paul

So the House and the Senate are stalling, using the “budget” as cover.  Well, we haven’t had a budget for over a year, so it’s all bullshit. We’ve been stalling for months. 

This whole collossal MESS is going down one way or another.  I’ve been watching TEOTWAWKI in slo-mo since 2007 and I’m exhausted.  Just cut the cord already.  Declare the national debt Odious and deal with the aftermath. Lord knows the American Public qualifies:

Wikipedia: Odious Debt

In international law, odious debt is a legal theory that holds that the national debt incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the best interests of the nation, should not be enforceable. Such debts are, thus, considered by this doctrine to be personal debts of the regime that incurred them and not debts of the state. In some respects, the concept is analogous to the invalidity of contracts signed under coercion.

Of course, the “regime” doesn’t want to take on this debt, preferring to dump it on the people (us) who’s labor they used as collateral for their loans.  How do you like knowing you’re just another victim of the labor bond system?  It’s how Empire has traditionally amassed its wealth since the beginning of civilization.

Bond labor is slavery by another name. One of my paternal great-grandmothers was an indentured servant. Most of us don’t know that race-based slavery replaced the traditional labor bond system in America, and when race-based slavery was abolished it was replaced with mandatory conscription (AKA ‘the draft”).  Mandatory conscription in the U.S. went away in 1973, but we are still debt slaves under the labor bond system, turning 1/3 of the fruits of our labor to the state every year. Americans only THINK they are free.  No, but we have a chance to become free. The stakes are really, really, really high.

Until this point American cages were gilded . . . now what? The “regime” may or may not get away with dumping their odious debts on our backs: The latest (July 1) web bot report says debt repudiation won’t be treated as a viable option until Autumn.  After that they’re no telling the repercussions.

Look at the calendar and you’ll see we have but a few weeks to go.  However, my own psychic instincts tell me this won’t be over-over until mid-2014, and by that I mean on the upswing as a country.  If we survive as a country.

Don’t hold your breath. Take a deep one instead and head to the fridge for a snack, because the settlement – whatever it is – has already been decided upon, and it was made well above Obama’s pay grade.  Even after watching closely for five years I still can’t tell whether a decision was made in favor of the labor bond system, or against it.

The Defense Department will treat cyberspace as an “operational domain,” just as it does land, air, sea, and space. (CS Monitor)

If you want to watch the enforcement of this settlement just watch the Pentagon. The Pentagon is in charge.  You won’t see this officially stated, and hopefully the American Public will never feel, or even be aware of, the effects of this stealth form of martial law. But mark my words, the US military is driving this bus, and they’re driving it home. I only wish I knew which way they were going.

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It was another one of those days at work:  Once we got home not a minute would go by without Spooky venting his frustrations, so we both knew it was time for the beach.  There is nothing like the roaring reverb of the ocean to clear one’s head and bring some perspective, and when we return from the beach late at night we’re both relaxed.

Spooky likes to fall asleep on the beach at night but I can’t:  Try as I might, and even though we’re in an affluent neighborhood I can’t trust that we’re entirely alone and/or safe.  Even when we leave our valuables in the car it isn’t enough: It’s our personal safety I’m always a little on edge about. Maybe it’s a chick thing. So I lay back and watch the sky, the way my dad and I used to do when I was a little kid. 

The sky is fascinating, especially these days.  If you are in a dark enough place on a clear enough night you will see – but only if you pay attention! – that some of the stars aren’t really stars.  They’re not planets either. They’re moving. I noticed this two years ago after I took down my curtains to paint my bedroom, and if anything it there are more “moving stars” than there were back then, so many that it’s possible to see at least one every time we go to the beach on a clear night.

They’re too high above the atmosphere to be airplanes, so far away they look like shooting stars.  At first I thought they were satellites, but they don’t really act like anything in orbit.  Sometimes they’re slow and sometimes they’re astonishingly fast, like Mach 3 fast, and sometimes even faster.  One might even confuse them with shooting stars – actually meteors and space junk burning up in the atmosphere – but space junk doesn’t navigate.   Space junk, meteors and satellites don’t stop, change direction, then zip across the sky at hypersonic speeds . . . and then, turn around and come back.

It was after midnight and I nudged Spooky.  “Look at the sky,” I said. “Some of the stars are moving. They’re not stars, obviously.”  We tried to identify as many planets and constellations as possible to get a sense of place and perspective.

“There’s one!”  He pointed. “OH MY GOD. Did you see that?”

Actually I didn’t. “Where?”

“It was going really fast and suddenly changed direction and headed the other way. It practically turned on a dime. At that speed. That’s impossible.”

“I bet it’s the Flying Templars.”  That’s my pet name for the Space Commands.

“Oh my god look at him go!”  The thing scooted across the entire sky in a matter of seconds. “That has to be . . . well over Mach 3. At least that. Maybe even faster, Mach 5 even.”

“They have to be outside of the atmosphere to do that.”


“So they’re space planes.”


I figured that much, and I suspected that this kind of speed was enabled by one of the technologies certain Powers were so reluctant to let out of the box, so to speak.  I didn’t quite know why –  space exploration has all but been turned over to private industry and everyone knows Virgin Airlines wants to offer trips to space someday, right? –  so I resolved to figure out why I had this nagging feeling that something Big was about to happen in the world of technological game-changers. Besides the usual reasons I mean.

The next day, ten minutes into a Google-search on “mach three” the lightbulb went off: The technology that makes manned space flight on a mass scale possible really IS a game changer and the death knell for the fossil fuel industries. No wonder NASA’s space shuttle program ended this year: Who needs it?

End of an Era for Shuttle, and NASA

The future is already here; most of us just don’t know it yet. There are several space plane designes out there, many of them just conceptual. However, some actually exist, such as the X-37B, which can go Mach 5ish maybe, and supposedly, if you believe Wikipedia, can get up to Mach 25 on re-entry. But others, such as the Blackswift, may only exist in prototype form, if that.

In air-breathing mode the maximum speed is Mach 5.4 at 26 km (1615 m/sec) once in orbit SKYLON is travelling at orbital speed over 7.7 km/sec.

But the one that made my eyes pop out was the Skylon, a UK design that purportedly stayed on paper for a good 30-ish years before a supposedly recent decision to develop it (roll-eye). That “on paper for 30 years” part is bullshit:   25-30 years is the life cycle of typical Top-Secret technologies, which means the “Undergrounders” – that’s what I call our Top Secret breakaway society – have taken advantage of this technology for a generation at least.  They’re finally letting it out of the box – if only they’d just get on it already! – because they’ve moved on to the Next Big Thing, which we probably won’t hear about for another 30 years.  I’m telling you, this is cookbook stuff.  The old Nazis whose scientists came up with it are nothing if not orderly. I do believe the term is “anal.”

SKYLON (Figure 4.2) consists of a slender fuselage containing the propellant and payload bay, with a delta wing located roughly midway along the fuselage. The engines are mounted in cambered axisymmetric nacelles in the wingtips. Control of the vehicle while in the atmosphere is achieved by foreplanes in pitch, ailerons in roll, and an aft mounted all moving fin in yaw. The rocket engine exhaust nozzles are gimballed individually but move together within each nacelle and are designed for ±3 deg movement in pitch and yaw. The nozzles are ‘frozen’ during the air breathing ascent but become ‘live’ during the rocket ascent. During the rocket ascent main engine gimballing takes over progressively from the aero controls as the dynamic pressure reduces, until finally reaction control thrusters take over at main engine cut-off. The vehicle is capable of takeoff and landing on conventional runways on its own undercarriage.

Now comes the “technology insertion” part:  Introducing the technology into the private sector for commercial applications. So what’s the big deal? 

I’ll tell you what I think the big deal is:  The Skylon can take off and land like a normal jet instead of being launched like other hypersonic space planes. Also, the engine is new: Reaction Technologies calls it the Synergistic Air-Breathing Rocket Engine, or SABRE.   After leaving the atmosphere, the plane switches from oxygen to hydrogen and can move at eye-popping speed.  Without any air resistance the plane just glides across the sky in just a few seconds, fast enough to be just about anywhere on the planet in two minutes.  Even more amazing, the only emissions that come from the engines are water vapors, and relatively speaking at least, it’s affordable . . .ish.  The Skylon is purportedly unmanned but it’s designed to hold 24 passengers and a pilot, so  you just know the “Flying Templars” have manned it by now.

OK so far so good, so what’s the problem? 

UHMMMM . . . The thing runs on OXYGEN and HYDROGEN.  Not JP5 or any other kind of fossil fuel.  HELLO!  Disruptive technology, indeed!

Sooner, Not Later: Interstellar Voyages a Reality?

How long do you think it will take for the awake and aware to figure out our intellegence agencies have been sitting on technology that could have cured us of our fossil fuel addiction thirty years ago? Sure the hydrogen-power concept is out there being debated by the public – there are hydrogen power cars in existence, but they haven’t been developed because of supposed “safety and practicality concerns.”  The existence of Skylon and SABRE, and space planes/engines just like them, puts the lie to all that safety/practicality BS:  If they can fly planes at Mach 5 with oxygen – and Mach 7 on hydrogen – they can sure as shit build a safe car that runs on either!

I wonder how long it will take the garage geeks to figure it out on their own?  HMMMMM I think I know which faction wants to keep the future from happening . . .

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Gates rebukes European allies in farewell speech

BERLIN — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates rebuked some of America’s staunchest allies Friday, saying the United States has a “dwindling appetite” to serve as the heavyweight partner in the military order that has underpinned the U.S. relationship with Europe since the end of World War II.

In an unusually stinging speech, made on his valedictory visit to Europe before he retires at the end of the month, Gates condemned European defense cuts and said the United States is tired of engaging in combat missions for those who “don’t want to share the risks and the costs.”

“The blunt reality is that there will be dwindling appetite and patience in the U.S. Congress, and in the American body politic writ large, to expend increasingly precious funds on behalf of nations that are apparently unwilling to devote the necessary resources … to be serious and capable partners in their own defense,” he said in an address to a think tank in Brussels.



Time to start telling it like it is, and “progressives” need to wake the fuck up:  The reason Europe can afford socialized medicine, short work weeks, month long vacations, free child care and early retirements is because it refuses to contribute militarily to the NATO alliance.  The US has been providing its military protection for Europe, sacrificing American soldiers to achieve European and globalist aims, and US taxpayers have been footing the bill.  Oh, and dying for them. Can’t forget the dying part.

That’s right: Europeans feign moral and intellectual superiority and call Americans “bullies,” and preen over how European countries provide for their citizens and the US doesn’t.  It’s all very irritating and boring. However, the minute Europe wants something done militarily, who do they call? The United States, to do their dirty work for them. Europeans feel entitled to it, despite the fact they do little to nothing to deserve it.  And Americans keep on fighting and dying . . . For what?

(Psst: It’s not just oil, because we’ve burned more oil than we’ve gotten from it. It’s the New Silk Road the Europeans want:  Supply lines from the Far East to Europe. We’re doing the demolition work and building the infrastrucutre for them.)

The Pentagon has been grumbling about doing the heavy lifting for DECADES and it’s the reason the EU and the US appear to be getting “divorced.”  Well, that and the whole global banking thing.  Actually, the bankster wars and the strains felt at NATO are just expressions of the festering resentment American power instests feel toward their European counterparts.  And finally, FINALLY, enough is enough: Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is retiring and he doesn’t give a shit what anyone thinks, not anymore.

The next step:  Closing the bases in Europe and bringing the troops home. Europe can fend for itself, especially those cheese-eating surrender monkeys, the French. A transcript of Sec. Gates’ speech can be found here.

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 Really I was just looking for an excuse to use the picture

DealBook: Berkshire Fires Back Against Sokol’s Lawyer

New York Times – ‎ By BEN PROTESS Berkshire Hathaway has escalated its war of words with its former executive, David L. Sokol, who resigned last month after buying shares in a specialty chemicals manufacturer while orchestrating a potential takeover of the company. . .
Know this:  Benefiting from insider trading is one of the perquisites of living among the Power Elite.  These high-level lackeys – yes, they’re just minions, not the Powers themselves –  don’t “time the markets,” they move them, and have since the invention of the stock market. When a formerly-untouchable minion falls out of favor s/he’s indicted for things s/he once did with impunity. 
We’re living in interesting times, witnessing a critical Keynesian Endpoint merged with a supersized financial bubble (derivatives) collapse.  Loans have and are still being called, and extraordinarily large sums of money have been pulled from Western banks, leaving said banks high and dry. Margins are collapsing, vultures are picking at the carcasses of failed businesses, and lawsuits are flying. Fortunately for my 401K high frequency trading algorithms are picking up the slack. 
Taxpayers are footing the bill for pretty much all of it. It was just a matter of time before some very rich people noticed they were getting screwed along with the rest and got really mad.  And they, unlike the rest of us, know where the perpetrators live.
Things were bound to go wrong, unintended consequences and all that. Sure enough, like rats in a sack high-level minions of the Powers That Be are beginning to go after each other to deflect the blame from themselves.  It won’t work:  Anyone with half a brain knows they were in it from the beginning!  It’s how they made their money and fashioned themselves as geniuses when really all they were was insiders and operatives who, after being tipped off, cashed in their chips five seconds before everything fell to pieces. 
Meanwhile the mainstream media is dutifully doing deflecting blame toward anyone and everyone BUT the perpetrators.  It was Bush’s fault, Obama’s fault, Clinton did it, “wars for oil,” reckless consumer spending, Barney Frank, “entitlements,” WAH WAH WAH oh, whateverthelivingfuck people are so FUCKING STUPID I CAN’T STAND IT.
For the not-so-stupid but credulous, there is the Krugman Apologist:

The fact is that what we’re experiencing right now is a top-down disaster. The policies that got us into this mess weren’t responses to public demand. They were, with few exceptions, policies championed by small groups of influential people — in many cases, the same people now lecturing the rest of us on the need to get serious. And by trying to shift the blame to the general populace, elites are ducking some much-needed reflection on their own catastrophic mistakes.

OK, it sounds about right.  It really is the Elites’ fault we’re in this mess.  Those Euro-weenies, intellectuals, and Very Important People were responsible for the financial and economic disasters in the United States and the European Union. Krugman forgets – or more like neglects – to mention that those Euroweenies, intellectuals and VIPs are for the most part all socialists. Krugman likes socialists, so instead he pinned the blame on, you guessed it, George W. Bush. 
You see, Krugman tells us,”those people” think they’re so smart but they’re really just stupid, out of touch, and immune to self-reflection.  So let’s blame them for it all, shall we?  Not so fast.  Granted, the pie-in-the-sky Globalist Master Plans were doomed from the gitgo, and the Power Elites have contributed mightily to this mess with their self-serving greed.  However, they alone did not “cause” the global financial crisis. 
Furthermore, the collapse of the global economy was not a “mistake.”  The raiders from the Enterprise profited quite nicely, thank you very much, and left taxpayers holding the bag. On purpose. 
The Powers That Be – and their minions – are not stupid.  They are brilliant. And the Powers are going to get away with it, AGAIN, already having left the country and their shocked and betrayed minions to the hungry, enraged crowds.  And that, dear readers, is the spectacle you’re witnessing today:  Abandoned minions whining and pointing fingers at each other.
Every financial bubble is a fleecing operation.  Every Wall Street market is a skimming operation.  Every fractional reserve banking scheme transfers real wealth – actual property, the only thing that matters – from the middle class to the super rich.  Get it?  
You have been sheared again, sheeple. Time to start over again with nothing. Unfortunately for the  corporate, financial, economic and political elites, this is the first Keynseyan Endpoint/Bubble-Pop to take place when practically everyone in the world has an internet connection and a cell phone, and anyone can be located by GPS. Now would be a good time for all good Watchers to set up a “Rats in a Sack” tag on their blogs, because this shit’s about to go down . . .

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