
Archive for the ‘Woos Clues’ Category

Everything is a test
to see what you will do
Mistaking what’s before your eyes
you have to start anew!

– some wiseguy, Buddhist I think

When I am lucky, or shall I say fortunate, I get little reminders when grief, fear and anxiety take over:  Remember.  Remember. Remember.

Oh wow. Yes. OK I remember. Back to the drawing board.

When I actually take the time to listen to that inner voice I stop everything.  I go to a quiet place, then finally address that neglected business of grounding and centering myself so that I may return to operating at the soul level, instead of  the ego level where attachment to outcomes feels normal and expected.  When one is living from the heart instead of the head there is no fear, only love.  Attachment disappears because one returns to serving the greater good, whatever it turns out to be.

Woulda been cool if the place had actually looked like this

Several years ago I attended a Hogwarts School of sorts. Yes, magic school, some call it witchraft, or the more sympathetic “Wicca.”  I am not, nor was I ever, a “Wiccan.”  I’m just a garden variety witch, and you can take that at whatever level feels comfortable for you.  We’re all magical practitioners crafting our lives; it’s just that some of us know what we’re doing sometimes. Remember?

It’s not so much that I learned anything “new” at my Hogwarts, since I’d been an armchair occultist for at least a decade.  What I did get is a practical anchoring, which increased my soul memory, which, well, thank God/dess, meant I could actually get some work done and have it stick.

At least, some of the time. It’s so easy to forget.

The Headmaster at this Hogwarts didn’t look like Merlin. Oh no, there were no cliches at this Hogwarts, just a lot of silliness and a little learning. His was the simple kind of teaching that stuck, the kind you took home and unwrapped, sometimes even years after he gave it to you with a pretty bow on top.

This Dumbledore was bald and flaming, and hilarious to boot.   He was a roaming Safe Place for seekers, and believe me there were a lot of those.  Seekers, I mean.  Safe places and people are hard to come by. Attending to his students took heaps of loving, patient energy and sometimes you could see how drained he was. Still he smiled and just kept on trucking. Fortunately witches know how to regenerate, so in his words it was “all good.”  It was his calling and he was great at it:

Me:  It’s so easy to forget all this.  Then when I remember, it’s like, damn it, now I have to start all over from the beginning!  What do I do when I drop the ball?

Dumbledore:  You pick up the damn ball!

Me:  (Laughing)  Yup, just start over. Goddammit!

Dumbledore:  Don’t think about it!  Don’t beat yourself up, you don’t have that kind of time. Just pick up the ball and start running! There’s no time! Oh, wait, that’s right, I forgot there really is No Time. HAH! Whooowee!

Don’t beat yourself up over it. 

I suppose that lesson was new for me, the one about not beating myself up. At least it’s one of the few that actually stuck: There is no time to fuss over a dropped ball.  Fussing only wastes more of that time you regret having already lost. You need to ground and rechannel that fussy energy toward your next soulful move because the game is still on, the clock is ticking and you can’t waste any more of your Time Outs. Everyone is assembling for the next play and, well, are you lining up, or aren’t you?

To hold the light on the planet is to hold love in your heart and your life. To think loving thoughts, to perform loving actions towards others, to feel love in your heart for all, to be rid of your ego, to stop all judging of others, to stop the blame game and take full responsibility for your actions and to stay positive in your thoughts. This is how we should be living our lives all of the time.

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Carl Calleman’s theories have no greater merit in Mayanology than those of Harold Camping in Christian Theology

You may have heard that the ‘end date’ of the ‘Mayan calendar’ is actually going to be this Friday, October 28th, 2011, rather than December 21st 2012. This idea is based on the idiosyncratic work of Dr. Carl Calleman. This theory is ‘idiosyncratic’ in that it bears no relationship whatsoever to any other Mayan scholarship, or indigenous Mayan teaching. (click here for more)

– Calleman’s Pyramid Scheme by Mark Heley

I don’t know if y’all remain “hip” to the latest in “Mayan” apocalyptic theory, but December 21, 2012 is no longer the “end of the world.”  It’s, erhm, well, TODAY, the “end of all cycles.”  How are you feeling?  I’m feeling just fine, thanks!

You gotta wonder about people who sit on the edge of their seats waiting for the End of the World.  Such morbid fascination!  From some of the online commentaries it almost seems as if they’re looking forward to mass mayhem, death and destruction.  Others seem to manifest their anxieties by hoarding supplies for the Tribulation, AKA Prepping Gone Wild, in advance of Some Horrible Thing they’re convinced is going to happen; i.e., The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI). 

I am of the opinion that these people need psychiatric help and a big hug, because they’re in perpetual states of fear and suspended animation.  No matter what they do they can’t shake that feeling of creeping dread. Life really doesn’t need to feel that way.  It’s a brain chemistry thing that can be treated in a variety of ways, everything from counseling to medication to dietary changes, not to mention a few good nights’ sleep.  But that’s a rant for some other time.

It seems every generation has its groupies convinced that the Apocalypse will take place during their lifetimes, and that of course they’re among the elect. These people are already dead IMHO, because they have no lives.  I have ancient relatives who spent their whole lives waiting for the Rapture. Time passed and the world did not end, but their wasted lives did.

I’ve been wanting to post a link to this interview for a long time, and what better day than today?  It’s about time the interested actually read something by a REAL Mayan scholar:

The Annotated Apocalypse: Anthropologists tackle 2012

Last January, archaeo-astronomers held a symposium on the 2012 phenomenon and those papers were recently published in The Proceedings of the International Astronomy Union. Meanwhile, a new scholarly book, Decoding the Counterculture Apocalypse, is due out any day now. As of this writing it’s already sold out!  

One of the researchers featured in that book is John Hoopes, an archaeologist.  One of the reasons I like this guy is that he’s really into pop culture, and he’s very respectful and knowledgeable about the development of “new traditions,” which is an oxymoron but nonetheless very real to millions of people.  People actually believe in the Mayan prophecies, and millions are genuinely devoted to New Age religious philosophies.  Hoopes is actually very respectful and understanding about this, and does not mock believers.

A personal recollection: I began my own occult studies in the early 1980’s when avid readers of witchcraft books were led to believe that Wicca was an ancient religion.  It’s actually a pretty new one, developed by Gerald Gardener in the late 1940’s. “Everyone” knows this now, but back then even the suggestion that it was a myth was met by hostility. Still, today Wicca is a recognized religion and many people take their craft seriously.  New Age believers take their craft seriously too.

Funny, every time I see the word “maya” I think “Illusion.”

Here is what Professor Hoopes has to say about the origins of the so-called Mayan prophecies:

There’s only three books that represent scholarly critiques, and two scholarly articles. Anthony Aveni is an archeo-astronomer interested in the intersection of astronomy and culture. In his book, The End of Time: The Maya Mystery of 2012, he’s talking about what the real science behind this is. There’s also another book, 2012: Science and Prophecy of the Ancient Maya, by Mark Van Stone, which looks at what the hieroglyphic texts do and don’t say about 2012.

Like I told you, there’s actually only one text that even mentions it. And it’s not complete and not easily interpreted. All the prophecies don’t come from the pre-Columbian texts, but from post-contact documents that are heavily influenced by Christianity. There’s another paper about that contact period that has focused on the role of missionaries in the Yucatan shortly after Spanish conquest. Basically, it’s framing Millenarianism in the context of that post-contact era. Many of those people came to Mexico precisely because they were on the extreme end of ideology and were obsessed with the end of the world. And we know that one of the first things they said to the Indians they found was that the world is ending soon and Jesus is coming. It was a very important part of Spanish colonization. When we hear end of the world prophecies, what they are is synchronistic prophecies where Mayan beliefs and Catholic Millenarian beliefs combined.

On the invention of pseudoscience and new religions, Hoopes says:

 One of my favorite books is The Invention of Sacred Tradition. What they talk about is how people will invent things that they then say have been happening forever. I think it helps us understand the production of culture, how culture is generated. There’s a lot of richness out there that we can see in the creation of new mythologies.

Jesus Potter Harry Christ is another book you should look at. It’s a detailed comparison of Christian myth and the Harry Potter stories, and it comes to the conclusion that, except for the fact that Christian myth has been sanctioned for 2000 years, there’s no difference. Essentially, one could base a whole theology on Harry Potter. And, in fact, I suspect that in the future somebody will. That’s how culture gets created. Myth cycles become the way that people teach morality, values, and behavior. That’s what the Bible does, but Star Trek has that function, too.

Other pop culture artifacts influencing so-called “Mayan” belief systems (emphasis mine):

Something else covered in that 2012 book I’m in that hasn’t really been talked about in mainstream media … the reality is that this mythology came out of the psychedelic subculture. You can’t ignore that influence. I was talking about this with a TV presenter and her reaction was that they couldn’t say that because they do family programming. A lot of people won’t talk about it because it’s a taboo topic. But we do discuss that in this book. If some of the 2012 theories seem like they were made up by people on drugs, it’s because they were. There’s this huge psychedelic subculture that still exists and that the media doesn’t really report on except to demonize it. But it’s important.

Also, the most recent research I’ve been doing, and I haven’t published on this yet, but I’m finding links between the work of H.P. Lovecraft and influence of that on 2012. Michael Coe was a huge Lovecraft fan, even. I’m working on a manuscript on that right now. But Lovecraft is at the root of a lot of the ideas here, like the cycles of destruction, for instance. That’s not Mayan, that’s Lovecraft. Lovecraft himself had a lot of skepticism and felt that spiritualism was appropriate for fiction but didn’t believe any of it in everyday reality, and he kind of used his fiction as a way to mock those beliefs a little. But now that’s being used as reality.

Most fascinating to me is that now I know I could actually get a PhD in the psychology of belief systems, and actually make a living at it. Wow that is AWESOME. What I’d love to study is what real indigenous tribes think about the woo-ification of their authentic belief systems. My thesis would be that they’re both annoyed and confused by it.

. . . what’s happening now is a very active synchretism of the religions of living Maya groups with New Age thought.

Mayan belief has long been synchronistic. In the pre-Columbian era they were influenced by the cultures and beliefs of Teotihuacan, the Toltecs, the Olmecs, and then you get the Spanish and Catholicism, then evangelical Protestantism, and since the 1970s there’s been this influence of the New Age and that’s really intensified now with the 2012 thing.

Essentially, some very enthusiastic hippies have gone into remote Maya villages, bringing their ideas about the New Age, Buddhism, and theosophy. They are introducing them to the Maya themselves, who are in turn producing a new synchretism. I think there are a lot of places that are reinterpreting shamanism along the lines of what Western academics think shamanism to be. That makes it really hard to understand what those people originally believed.

Hoopes on the “Pizza Effect:”

The name comes from the history of the pizza, which is that the pizza was invented by Italian immigrants in New England creating a quick lunch. But as American tourists went to Italy in search of authentic pizza the restaurateurs were happy to oblige by inventing a history of the pizza in Italy. And now you have this “authentic” Italian pizza coming back to the U.S. I think that’s happening with 2012 as well. You have modern Maya talking about New Age secrets as if those were original parts of Maya culture, but those were things that were learned in the 60s and 70s.

So there you have it:  New Age Mayan Prophesy believers are actually New Age Protestant Milleniallists . . . on shrooms. Who knew?????  Well, now you and I do, and that’s a start. Milleniallism is a FASCINATING study; my ancestors on both sides of my family were protestant millennialists of some sort or another.  And you know what? Their beliefs were just as wacky – and just as authentic – as those of the New Agers.  More on that, at some future date, when I’m in the mood. In the mean time remember: Life is not a dress rehearsal.  The next “big thing,” whether the Apocalypse or the Golden Age, really isn’t right around the corner.  What’s big is NOW, so don’t waste time waiting for some higher authority to give you permission to start living.

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I’m having so much fun in Wooville these days because there is so much ACTION!  Everything out there, it seems is an allegory for whats really going on behind the scenes with The Powers That Be, er, The Powers That Were.

People are freaking out about the Class M solar flares headed our way in just a few hours  . . . uh, whoops look like it’s happening now . . . but I’m not worried, because I’ve been reading the Woo! 

Several weeks ago a Woo Emissary explained to the New Age faithful how a new frequency/force field was up and running that would not only facilitate communications, but deflect incoming space energies.  I figured that meant not only meteors/comets, but also the increased energies coming from the sun.  The shield is supposedly EM in nature, or holographic, or both.

Well, now there’s more –  A few days later different woo channeler explained much the same thing.  And then another channeller the next day! Here they are. I snipped out the silly woo parts to get to the heart of it:

“The . . . sun is reaching an apex of extreme solar radiation and there is a very high frequency of solar magnetism . . . the solar magnetism is — well, it is actually affecting our molecules . . . (the “Federation). . . has determined that it has been necessary . . . to intervene in behalf of Earth, and they have created a force field. It is a holographic technology that filters and screens the extreme solar particles. It seems that this solar intensity is going to apex between summer solstice and fall equinox . . . If you can imagine, it is like a curved lens that rotates with the planet, and it is in direct alignment with wherever the sun is at its intensity at any time on the planet as we rotate between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. because that is the solar intensity, and this shield is actually reducing the intensity of the solar magnetic particles, and shielding us from some of the radon or the radiation which could alter DNA and causing genetic — something about burning genes, like radiation burns in the genes of the DNA . . . (It) allows enough in for our mutation and evolution but not enough to cause damage to the genetic structures, and it is going to have to remain in place until it starts to decline and we’re not in as much danger.”

And today I found yet another channeler who reported this:

These waves of Light are woven with specific light frequency templates that are complex and yet quite basic. They are designed to lift your awareness and change the way in which your physical body is able to receive such massive light frequencies. The denseness of your body as well as your planet is being altered and reconfigured into the light patterns that they were originally designed to hold at the dawn of creation.

Well if it’s true, that’s mighty nice of them doncha think? Funny they never mentioned this project on the tee-vee.

So, thanks to the New Age ascension mythos I’m unafraid.  That’s not to say the power won’t get knocked out somewhere.  If the solar flare whacks New Jersey I have a a solar oven, and solar generator that will help me get back online. That is, if our computer isn’t completely FRIED by it.  Hmm. Maybe I’ll unplug it just in case. See ya on the flip side!

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I’ve carried my share of nicknames, among them  Angel, Pinky and Little Pixie. What a relief no one thought to call me “Bubbles.” 

Twenty-ish years ago my then college boyfriend (present ex husband) observed  “You’re like a blissed out bouncing ball . . . or maybe an elusive pink happy bubble floating around. People try to catch you but you just float away.”

New Agers believe there exists a galactic race of beings just like this, called “orbs.”Maybe this is the real reason I’ve gone through my life feeling alienated: I’m really an alien!

Just kidding. But maybe not. Who knows?  I follow the “New Age woo woo” corner of the blogosphere for giggles and woo-coded intel, and yesterday came across description of so-called “alien” races supposedly incarnated to help people shift to the Aquarian Age or the fifth dimension or galactic consciousness or whateverthehell they call it.  The profile of an Orb Starseed fits me like my Dolce & Gabbana kittyprint stilettos; i.e., perfectly.

In the New Age “ascension” mythos, orbs are an actual race of beings: 

“In addition to glowing balls, Orbs can appear in a rainbow of colors. Barely physical, their bodies can be described as bubbles of energy. Scientists, who have researched Orbs, believe their body is made of dense groupings of charged particles called plasma. This could mean that Orbs are the simplest sentient beings in the Universe.

“In regards to polarity, Light/Dark, they appear to be polarized to the Light. Orbs feel and express “Light” feelings of love, happiness, bliss, and joy, etc. Their bodies are so fragile and sensitive that they are incapable of processing “Dark” feelings of pain and anger. Just witnessing a conflict can hurt them. Not being able to fully experience “Dark” feelings they are quite innocent in nature. Orbs are like children who never grow up. This, of course, is evident in their bubbly outgoing demeanor and child-like naiveté. They are very playful, inquisitive, and love to explore.

Like many other galactic races, Orbs have sent members of their society to represent them as starseeds on Earth. These souls have agreed to incarnate as humans on Earth to aid this planet and themselves. Below are the characteristics that I’ve found to indicate an Orb starseed.

Highly sensitive and psychic.
A common health issue is severe allergies.
Described as sweet, cute, naïve, and/or child-like.
Tend to be very well-mannered and obedient.
Tend to be very private, quiet, shy and introverted.
Are great observers and are very creative individuals.
Are passionate about learning.
Learn by observing others and repeating what they are trying to learn.
Strive for perfection.
Tend to be followers rather than leaders.
Can seem ungrounded or detached.
React to situations passively and let others take advantage of them.
Tend to ignore or run away from pain.
Find social situations challenging.

And here I thought all that came from having Venus in Pisces and Aquarius as my rising sign!

So let’s pretend this isn’t completely batshit crazy for a moment, and that orbs really exist as sentient beings, and I’m one of them. Let’s pretend for a moment that I’m an orb, shuttling about in human form during the day and floating as a ball of light on the astral while I sleep. Sounds about right: When I put my mind to it I used to be able to bilocate and remote-view easily and could even will myself into an out of body/astral travel experience. It’s been a few years since I’ve done that.  I’ve been busy, so I’m totally out of practice and couldn’t do any of it today if I tried.

Unfortunately for us “orbs” being sweet and fluffy in a world of hurt can be lonely and depressing, which can be especially difficult for orbs considering we don’t process negativity too well.  I can’t stand being around arguing people and being around hypocrisy or hostility makes me physically ill. I can’t even watch violent movies and TV shows; they completely traumatize me and I actually have to leave the room.

It’s not the blood and gore; it’s the cruelty that sticks to me like tar.  I can’t take any of it. It gives me nightmares. I still carry wounds from my first memory as a two-and-a-half year old (November 1968), and don’t get me started on junior high school. I suppose most orbs incarnated as humans are pretty wounded by the time they hit puberty.

Orbs are very empathic.  I “get” people almost right away, which makes making friends easy,  but only if it’s on a one-to-one basis.  I don’t navigate well in social situations. Any more than three people constitutes a gang or a crowd to me.  What’s the deal with THAT?  It’s probably because the more people there are, the more I feel out of place. Like an alien.


So is there anything good about being an “orb?”  Plenty!  At 45 I still have a childlike innocence about me, go figure. I could get away with murder if I were inclined that way. Which I’m not, but people automatically give me the benefit of the doubt, even if I don’t ask for it.  I go through life without strangers challenging me or questioning my motives, which saves me on time and excuses.

My ethereal, detached, almost space-cadet nature has caused many to underestimate my intelligence.  That sounds like a negative, but I’ve turned it to my advantage so many times I almost prefer it this way. Nobody has to know the real deal besides my family and my supervisory chain. Let them think I’m a dumb blonde. Really.  That’s another thing about orbs: Their egoic hangups are different than most.

Mom always said I rolled with the punches and always bounced back when life knocked me down.  It’s probably because I never stayed bitter for long.  I don’t hold grudges.  I forgive easily, even when I probably shouldn’t, but I prefer a light grudge load.

All in all, if I were to describe my energy signature, it would actually be like a floaty translucent pinkish orb.  So who knows?  Maybe I AM an alien! Maybe I should try to find my space family so I can feel “normal” every now and then. We could have a bubble convention and float around, basking in positivity and giggling like children.  That would ease my mind . . . erm . . . so is there an orb convention coming up or something?  Not on this plane.  I bet I have to wait until sleepytime . . .

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I have an interesting update for you!  I checked in with the Woomeisters from Wooville* and there has been an announcement of (another) significant change in International Plans, meticulously detailed in native Woo!  Since I speak Woo, at least haltingly, I can give you the scoop.

The Enterprise, i.e., US taxpayer-financed global infrastructure upgrades for outsourcing disguised as war, knows it can’t hide behind Goebbels-grade propaganda anymore.   Oh, it keeps trying, angling for more centralized authority over internet operations, etc.; however, even if the Powers that Be win  they lose, because they’ve already lost control of the narrative. 

Unfortunately for the Enterprise, the “War on Terror” has lost its momentum.  The staged Biblical Armageddon had to be called off a few years ago, and the “Hoaxed Threat from Outer Space,”  isn’t catching on with the public’s imaginations.  It doesn’t matter how much high tech imagery Hollywood churns out:  Spacemonsters, rogue comets, collaped magnetosphere, new discoveries of planets able to host life, Mayan prophesies come home to roost, turning the History Channel into All Aliens All the Time channel . . . Nothing is working.  We’re not even paying attention, for the most part. 

Essentially, the Internet ruined everything for the Enterprise. Worse, the U.S. dollar is way past its sell-by date and no longer passes the sniff-test with our international Treasury bond investors. The Powers that Be know they need to change the way they do things, and soon.

For at least a generation a very rich and powerful faction has been plotting to eliminate the Enterprise  in favor something more euro-socialist and sustainable.   Never mind that the adjectives “socialist” and “sustainable,” when placed next to each other, create an oxymoron.**  Fortunately the statists were shut down at the 11th hour by a rogue faction of, oh, shall we say, “freedom fighters” for the sake of my not having to repeat myself.   The old plans are kaput and it’s every oligarch, every regent, every global administrative technician for himself now.  Rats in a sack, the whole lot, IMHO.   My own assessment (I’m over here in the cheap seats) is that they’re all winging it now.  All previous plans and agreements have been tossed into a dumpster.

But there is hope!

Fortunately for world stability the biggest players have come up with yet another plan to share the Ring to Rule Them All.  The Pentagon is reportedly on board with this one, increasing the odds that THIS TIME, maybe, the agreement will stick. What you’re seeing in the news today appears to be the last gasps of the old control grid, with different factions still trying, some desperately, to control outcomes. A new control grid is up and running, but there’s no guarantee it will work.

Much of the old settlement, which focused primarily on world banking regulations, remains:  The mercy-killing of dying fractional reserve banking regimes and the sharing of previously hoarded technologies, for instance.  Emerging economies will have more of a say in global financial matters. (UPDATE: Confirmed!!!)  However, plenty about the Even Newer and More Improved World Order will be different:

1. The US Federal Reserve may transform itself in secret so as not to spook the herd.  The US dollar will remain such, but likely under different terms.  

2.  The Enterprise will remain in bidness. “The American System WORKS,” insisted Ms. Clinton in her stick-it-up-your-ass speech to the Council of Foreign Relations.  However, it looks as though the Enterprise will no longer use the “War on Terror” as an excuse to use US military personnel as their personal demolition and construction crews and security guards.  Instead, contractors (AKA private industry) will manage existing Enterprise operations. A good number of those “contractors,” however, will be mercenaries financed by the “State Department,” AKA Capitalism’s Invisible Army (CIA), so it’s still your tax dollars at work, building global infrastructure to TPTB can outsource your job.   Look at the bright side: Freedom, commerce, personal property and the American Way survived a massive, and I mean massive, statist onslaught.  No one ever said Freedom wouldn’t be messy.

3.    The Powers have abandoned the original plan for a one-world-currency.  Still, there will be new banking rules and practices after a global announcement of an international pact between key nations.  International pact implies that a post WWIII “Paris Peace Accord” or “Bretton Woods” type arrangement has been signed, with six big entities retaining financial sovereignty, and one of them is, after a big fight, probably American if not US.   PSST! So many pacts, so much reneging. “Announcements” keep getting delayed, so don’t hold your breath, they’ve been promising it for years.

4. Placement of silver/gold/etc. depositories have carefully been chosen to provide assistance to the vulnerable. By vulnerable I get the feeling they mean geologically because they keep going on and on about physical earth changes forcing their hand (they are “out of time”).  But it could also mean economically vulnerable, because the world is undeniably out of financial time, too. 

5. The mass culling of humanity for the purpose of population control has been rejected as untenable.  The ways of the Internet virtually guarantee that the guilty would (eventually) be held accountable for it anyway. This might explain #4.  If you doubt they would have been able to pull off such a dirty deed think of this:  It would not have taken much effort at all to stage an “Armageddon” or a 2012 catastrophe for to convince believers that the End Times were here.   The collapse of the US Fractional Reserve Note ALONE would have been sufficient to trigger a mass die-off worldwide and fulfill most prophesies. Staged “natural” disasters could have handled the rest.   

6.    We can expect the turmoil in the “Middle East” (i.e., northern African oil producers) to settle down “soon” because everyone has capitulated, now it’s just a matter of logistics.  Famous last words?  At least one faction is going to fight to the last man standing. Suffice it to say Libya is getting a lot of “help.”

7.    The undergrounders/”flyingTemplars”/spacecommands have stalled on their plans to front as benevolent aliens gifting new technologies. I think market testing communicated the message “Bitch, please.” Or, maybe they read my blog, hahah doubt it. Instead,  they’ve decided to begin the technology insertion process first, so the peasants will be less likely to lynch them when they “come upstairs” and/or land their spaceships.

8. Medical advances are light/vibration based.  “Light chambers” sounds all star-trekky but I bet it’s just modified tanning booths or LED bulbs like what I’ve got at home. The sound/vibration healings sound fascinating, and it looks as though we’ll be using our “crystalline chambers” and our “DNA upgrades” well before the “Agarthans” (undergrounders) reveal themselves.

9. They plan to give tours of their underground and space-based facilities, whee. Bottom line:  What you see in the news today is the final rush to conclude an international negotiated settlement before something – who knows what – hits the fan, probably a combination of things both natural and manmade.  The Powers need to get on with it because world affairs need resolution, not revolution. Besides, my popcorn is cold. 

* It seems that the “I AM” St. Germain/ascension 2010 movement is not a metaphysical movement at all, but actually a political movement which uses a spiritual hierarchy and mysterious ascended masters to influence and guide its members. Unsurprising to any political conspiracy buff their world headquarters is located in a Chicago suburb.

**Socialism is as statist as fascism, and statism is anything BUT sustainable. It doesn’t matter if the state appropriates industry or the reverse:   Any command-and-control style of governance that forces redistributions of personal property and centralizes control of the means of production is doomed to eventual failure.   Why?  Because control freaks suck, and rich control freaks suck worse. 

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Hahahahah South Park spoofed the Galactic Federation.  Since I don’t watch TV I missed the whole thing and had to come by it on the intertubes. 

Since we are now being “socialized” by the main stream media to believe in aliens, ancient, modern or otherwise, you might as well know that according to the radical linguistics folks at Half Past Human (AKA the web bot project), the whole Galactic-Federation-Ascension-Mythos can be traced linguistically to the Scientology cult.  Scientology has repackaged itself repeatedly to make itself more credible to the, well, credulous. Other New Age religions spin similar stories, socializing adherents to believe and behave as “galactic citizens,” instead of identifying with the supposedly outdated notions of Nation or State.

I think the whole “space aliens will save us” meme, including Scientology and its New Age copycats, is a psychological operations project jinned up by our  . . . Hmmmm what should I call them . . . let’s call them our “underground government” in both the literal and metaphorical sense.  It is a spinoff society that’s had secret “Star Wars” technology for generations, along with all sorts of life-saving and genetically-enhancing technologies that they’ve not (yet) shared with the rest of us.  The Undergrounders operate above and beyond the laws the rest of us are expected to follow. I imagine they must lead interesting lives, whether underground or in space, but sheesh!  They get little to no sun!

Members of this underground society, known only to the world’s self-annointed Overclass and a few of us tinfoil-hatted “watchers,”  have engaged in technology insertion since, well, forever. They keep their toys to themselves for 25 or 30 years or until they’re replaced by better/faster/more-deadly toys, whichever comes first.  The undergrounders have a problem this time, however: The new technologies have to do with new/cheap/easy energy sources that will give ordinary people all over the world a lot, and I mean a LOT of autonomy and power. 

Why is this a problem, you ask?   Here’s why:

1. Our new reality, presuming we get on with it already, is going to be so mind-blowing most of us won’t even believe it.

2. It will require a complete overhaul in the way we understand and experience reality, including our ideas about space, time, and matter.

3. When the people of the world learn that the Undergrounders have been hoarding the information, we’re going to be PISSED.  You mean we didn’t have to pay electric and gas bills all those years?  UM, yeah, sorry, bummer eh.

4. Once the genie is out of the bottle then entire Control Grid is going to be obsolete and humanity, for the first time ever perhaps, will (literally) control its own destiny, without needing to follow strictures (legal, religious, economic, etc.) imposed upon us by an Overclass (kings, clergy, bankers, etc.).

This poses big problems for our Overclass, who doesn’t want to lose control.  On the other hand the world NEEDS this technology to survive this global collapse.  The questions they’ve likely pondered and debated all these years are

1. “How do we break the news without getting ourselves lynched?” 

2. “How can we capitalize on this technology to achieve our social engineering goals?”

3. “How can we insert this technology without losing control?

Enter the “aliens will save us” meme.   Genetically superior so-called “space aliens” are to become the next Benevolent Overclass, and the New Physics is to become the next religion.  

Um, yeah, right.

Never mind that it’s all BS:  These are ordinary human beings whose parents and grandparents left the rest of us behind long ago.  Now they’re trying to integrate, and the “We’ll save you from your global disasters!” cover story was the best they could come up with.

I know: It’s pretty stupid.  However they really do feel alienated, and they really do belong to no country, so they really do meet the technical definition of “alien.”  It’s not their fault:  They didn’t ask their parents to put them in this bind!

There’s nothing we can do about this freakshow besides call BS, which won’t make any difference anyway, so how about joining in the fun instead?  It’s cheap and easy:  Just watch things unfold!  Keep an eye out for TV shows and movies that normalize the concept of aliens that look just like us, only better, smarter, and longer lived, walking among us.  It’s all coming to a head at warp speed, because there seems to be a deadline of sorts.  Pinky reads the woo so you don’t have to, so I’ll keep you posted on any developments, especially if they’re funny!  Stay tuned.

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Some things are connected that you’d never guess. 

I’m a pattern seeker. I can’t help myself.  I’ve been watching the bankster wars for a long time – you could call it my hobby –  and I see some strong patterns and connections in seemingly random news events.  Many news items over the past several weeks portend doom for one of the factions.

Who reading this is old enough to remember the first Farm Aid concert? In the 80′s Willie Nelson and his friends tried to help American farmers who had fallen victim to what appeared to be a very well orchestrated and executed ‘farm-grab’ by an alliance of bankers, lawyers and government officials.  The swindle involved fraudulent foreclosures facililtated by fractional reserve lending, and likely other methods falling under a huge umbrella labeled Enterprise Corruption (a class B felony).  It’s white-collar crime, difficult to prosecute and often ignored.

(Psst! There is a too-big-to-fancy-itself-clandestine entity that refers to itself as “the Enterprise.”  It certainly engages in enterprise corruption, but you are not supposed to know about the Enterprise, so shh. This post is about something else anyway.)

A class action suit was filed against the US Government by a few of the affected  farmers, and the case made it all the way to the Supreme Court where they finally settled in the late’90’s.   Settlements generally mean there is no admission to wrongdoing, so it’s likely we’ll never know what really went down. 

Sadly for the farmers, the US government sat on the farm claims settlement for years but would not fund it.  Plaintiffs died in poverty and of old age waiting for their payouts. Why? What was the big deal? Why was the US government stalling?  The Fed could have just printed the money  (in the modern sense of the phrase) and given it to the farmers and been done with it. After the Supreme Court there’s really noplace else for the US to appeal, right?

Here’s MY guess: Stare Decisis, bitches!   I have my suspicions thanks to my OTHER hobby: Reading the spook-controlled “alternative” and New Age woo woo websites (Pinky reads the woo, so you don’t have to).  Why do I bother?  Partly for the grains-of-truth and entertaining allegories (aliens, reptiles, ha), but mostly for the patterns.  The woo woo world has been fussing about the Farm Claims for at least a decade, calling the long-promised payouts the catalyst that will bring about their utopian visions for humanity, which include a new global gold-backed currency. 

From  the mythologized gossip and promises and disinfo patterns I’ve concluded the contents of the farm claims settlement MUST contain some peculiar provisions with some grave implications, grave in the sense of dead serious, ding dong the Fed is Dead serious.  This case could have been the kick in the butt needed for the United States, and later the whole world, to get serious about reforming the global central banking system(s).  

Check the more mainstream corners of the blogosphere and sure enough, efforts have been made behind the scenes on global banking reforms that would significantly reduce the power of the US Federal Reserve Bank, reforms that allow money movements to be tightly tracked. Every dollar was to leave a footprint . . . in some situations a skid mark.  There would be no more offshore tax havens or shadow banking systems, and no more frenzied credit bubbles and crash-cleanups.  Most interestingly, at least if you go by what the conspiracy crowd is swooning over, control of the US banking system was even supposed to revert to the US Treasury.

The Enterprise seems most displeased by these developments because the Federal Reserve is the engine that powers the Enterprise.  Its members rely upon opaque money pools and secret movements – money laundering if you will – to achieve Enterprise objectives.  Adoption of a transparent global banking system would more than just cramp their style, actually, it would probably end the Enterprise and globalism in general.   Consequently the Powers That Be controlling the US government – i.e., the shareholders of the Federal Reserve banking system and the “shadow state” within the US government – would not allow the reforms to be implemented no matter how many accommodations were made.  

Long standing grievances from Native Americans, also swindled out of their nations’ resources by the bankster, legal and political classes, added to the pressure to settle accounts. Under increasingly grave threats,  I suspect increasingly facilitated by the people behind Wikileaks, Obama finally signed a bill to fund the settlement on Wednesday, not because  the US government cares about black farmers or Native Americans but due to – and in spite of – all the consequences and implications. Damned if they did, damned if they didn’t. Keeping the dirt under the rug proved the more compelling option.  

The victory is being presented in the media as reparations for minorities, causing the predictable WAH WAH WAH from conservative reactionaries, but they don’t know the whole story:  The US Supreme Court settled over a decade ago. The US had been waiting for the plaintiffs to die, and putting off the consequences of the settlement as long as possible.

If all this is true, then the farm claims case could be the most significant and far reaching class action lawsuit ever pursued in our nation’s history, at least from the perspective of the banking classes and the governments they control.  That the native Americans get to see some justice is some extra tasty gravy!  Once the general public figures out what banks routinely do to people, Sleepwaking America will wake up (handy case in point: Todays mortgage and foreclosure crisis).  Americans are already pissed off at the banksters, because slowly but surely they’re finally getting it: The Federal Reserve uses fractional reserve lending to ensure the orderly flow of wealth from the working class to the Fed’s shareholders.  That whole economies boom and bust from central-banking created stock bubbles is not a flaw in the system; it’s a design feature the Enterprise relies upon to do its “work.” 

And THAT’S what the central banks don’t want you to know, and why I think they’re pissing their pants over the prospect of Wikileaks dumping the central banking systems’ dirty laundry.  The corruption was described in detail in Confessions of an Economic Hitman several years ago, but not many Americans read books any more. Americans do, however, read things on the internet, the modern Gutenberg Press.  Hence all the statist efforts to centralize control of the World Wide Web.

Hey, wait!  Where is all that damaging information about that major US bank, anyway?  Probably deep-sixed now that the farm claims settlement has been funded. So, is everything fine and dandy now?  Hell no. They could go all the way with the citizen issue, and declare Obama’s signature null and void. But that would also undo everything else he signed, and Wikileaks has over 500 mirror sites and a poison pill . . . ahhhhh maybe not.  Got a plan B?

How about this?  “An un named official”  just announced that all those “new” hundred dollar Benjamins  – I’ve come to understand they’ve been sitting in storage for years  – are reportedly to be destroyed due to production errors.   I’m suspicious: “Un named officials” quoted by mainstream media outlets are typically spooks, which is strange because on the surface this seems pretty ordinary stuff. Why rely on an unnamed source when an official spokesperson from the Treasury and the Fed could easily have said the same thing? 

Because deception is involved, that’s why. 

Is it a delay tactic?  As does the guy at Road to Roota I think those Benjamins were hanging out waiting for a new, resource-based, Treasury-controlled banking system with new electronic tracking abilities.  NOW they notice a flaw in some of them, after all these years? But of course they only noticed now!  Let me hazard a guess:  The Feds finally had to take them out storage because of the settlement?  Oh rats, they’re no good, so they have to be reprinted!  Oh but that will take a long time!  But we can’t have a new  banking system without new paper money, correct?

Tick, tock, tick, toc. Time is running out.

Then again, it could be as simple as it appears:  They made new $100 bills and whoops, honest mistake.  Unfortunately, with the brain-stem thinkers behind the scenes Occam’s Razor never applies.  Let me screw on my tinfoil hat a little tighter. If you want to join me down this rabbit hole, start with these questions:

Who is allowed to print money?
What IS money, anyway?
When do bankers create money?
Where is money kept?
How is it created?

and most importantly

WHY can they do it, and you can’t?

Coins used to be called sovereigns. Why? Because only sovereigns can create “money.”  Yes: America declaring its sovereignty from England was about money!  YOU can’t create money because you are not sovereign. Get it? You’re a serf. I’m a serf. As did the serfs in Russia centuries ago we turn over about 1/3 of our labor to our lords and masters.  And we don’t even get free room and board for it like the Russians did!

How long will it before the world wakes up? This really can only end two ways, if there truly is to be a global banking system, and like it or not we seem to be headed that way:  Eternal debt slavery on a global plantation, OR – and I know this is a loaded word – Freedom, with all the sovereign rights and responsibilities that go with it.

Which way will history tip?  I believe there is reason to hope. I’ve been waiting for two years for a reason to post this poem by Percy Bysshe Shelley, and this week’s events, I believe, are enough.  He wrote of England, but imagine him calling out to America:

The Masque of Anarchy

(it’s long; this is an excerpt)

“Men of England, heirs of Glory,
Heroes of unwritten story,
Nurslings of one mighty Mother,
Hopes of her, and one another;
What is Freedom? Ye can tell
That which Slavery is too well,
For its very name has grown
To an echo of your own
Let a vast assembly be,
And with great solemnity
Declare with measured words, that ye
Are, as God has made ye, free!
The old laws of England–they
Whose reverend heads with age are grey,
Children of a wiser day;
And whose solemn voice must be
Thine own echo–Liberty!
Rise like Lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number,
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which in sleep had fallen on you-
Ye are many — they are few”


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So, was I right or WHAT? In the mainstream news this week:

UFOs Spotted Over NYC Prompt Panic, 911 Calls

FAA Unable to Identify Object Flying Over NYC

Video: UFO brings New York streets to standstill

New York UFO Mystery: Solved?

Now, whether or not they were “real” or just kids’ balloons is (almost) beside the point.  The point is, it’s in the news, and our reactions are being measured by the Interested.  A recently published 3rd edition of a book by a former NORAD officer, “The Challenges of Change,” promised a “worldwide display of UFOs” on the 13th.  Well, we got one, but . . .

It only tells me our military, space and intelligence agencies are among “the Interested.”  Interesting, as of this date the book no longer appears to be readily available on Amazon.  There is right now one copy for sale for  . . . $129? They’ve got to be kidding.

Also interesting,  there were sightings the night of the 13th that are now being ignored, all because of the daytime UFO vs. Balloon? incident taking up the airwaves.  So was the daytime sighting  just an elaborate psychological operation, a testing of the waters, or a distraction?

My own reaction? Yawn.   If the Powers That Be want to freak me out, they’re going to have to try harder.  And they just might:  I predict we’ll be seeing more of the “aliens and UFO’s” meme for the next 2 years or so . . . Stay tuned for the next sighting!

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Oh goodie, the latest New Age “channeling” by Sheldon Nidle is out, transmitting a message from the Galactic Federation, which is still hovering in the mothership: The Federation is (still, after a decade of promises) here to save us! 

Over at Treeofthegoldenlight.com the Sirian Sa Lusa also continues to reassure us that our space-overlords are here to change our world for the better, and that we should just accept that our development is being monitored and controlled by “higher beings.” Any day now, they swear, their ships will appear in the sky, the Dark Lords will be put in re-education camps, and we’ll “ascend” to the fifth dimension. I feel so much better now! 

Erhm, not?  Besides, isn’t the fifth dimension physical death?  That’s it, I forgot:   Ascension is the New Age woo-woo version of the Rapture.  I suppose they can leave me behind.

Stories “channeled” from intergalactic, utopian space-beings are variations on the thousands of fairytales that came before them, so don’t get too excited. Here’s what they really are:  Veiled, New Age  retellings of the eternal war of elites, between old-world royals and new-world pan-German industrialists, the latest manifestation of which is coming soon to a military theatre near you.  Yup, it’s the Crown vs. the Krauts again, the War That Never Ends, and it’s gone intergalactic.

The running of the upperclass twits

So what’s the “Crown?” Who are the “Krauts?”  I’ll do my best. These are the loosey-goosey Upperclass Twit Armies, keeping in mind that elites interbreed, infiltrate and “flip” to increase their family fortunes all the time.  They all have much in common: Both factions contain their share of royals, industrialists, and bankers who can and do play double- and triple-agents working at cross purposes to each other.  The most definitely HUMAN memberships would rather we not know that they possess medical technology capable of altering genetic material to their own benefit, technology they are unwilling to share with us useless eaters lest we “overbreed.”   If the factions were neatly split it would be easy for one side to anhiliate the other, but since they’re so enmeshed they just can’t.  So we’re stuck with them.

“It’s just a flesh wound”

Don’t hold your breath for the ending:  This war of ideas will probably never be over. These two factions have been at war ever since the first banker ponzied its first king. The biggest irony here is that both factions think their plans are for the Greater Good despite the fact that elite families and their well-compensated minion classes are riddled with criminals.  After all, it’s how those families GOT that way.


But let’s talk about UFOs instead! And aliens! Woot!

Retired NORAD Officer’s New Book Predicts a Tentative Worldwide UFO Display on October 13, 2010

A newly-published book by a retired NORAD officer predicts October 13, 2010 as the tentative date for a fleet of extraterrestrial vehicles to hover for hours over the earth’s principal cities.

Both teams appear to have spacecraft capable of fronting as UFOs, so don’t be surprised if the mainstream and tinfoil-hat media gets real interesting, real soon. “Space wars” is a growing “web bot” meme scheduled to manifest in 2011, and as you can see from the news it’s already gearing up now:

Not a UFO.  It’s called the Cypher, and it’s by Sikorsky.

 Former Airmen to Govt.: Come Clean on UFOs ABC News Ex-Air Force Personnel: UFOs Deactivated Nukes CBS News UFOs Spying on Our Nukes, Airmen Claim Discovery Denver set for UFO voteNews   PS: Denver is a NWO HQ. So appears to be Atlanta.Arizona plays role in NBC’s ‘The Event’ – UFO cases involved? UFOs in Arlington?  

UFO visits? Hmmm. Cookies? Yummm. Washington Post

First Beer Brewed For Drinking in Space Will Undergo Testing in Low-Gravity Pub

Earth-like planet described as ‘Goldilocks’

UFOs in Montreal? Strange sights reported

Pop culture is in the mix too:  Two years ago the Marvel Comic “Secret Invasion” was marketing to fanboys everywhere, informing them of an alien race called the “Skrulls” who’ve come to earth (their scriptures said God gave it to them, sound familiar?) to save us from ourselves.  I don’t think it went over too well with the often conspiratorial-minded geek brigade, but I’ll tell you what: The corporotacracy (Ikea, Pepsi) carried the meme, as did the so-called “Green Revolution” and the Obama campaign.  Last April NASA administrator Charles Bolden is told his people to “embrace change” and let space technologies into the private sector, right about the same time it begans its “open government” initiative.  This is a meme that space-watchers may consider worth watching.

In 2010-11 the new TV series The Event  continues with our education about the (hypothetical, surely) aliens among us.  Supposedly this batch of aliens age very slowly and have the technology to teleport big planes out of the sky. They’ve been on Earth since a 1944 crash and have been held captive for 66 years and are pissed. But at whom?  I give up:  I’m probably not going to watch the series since I don’t watch TV.  But I’m definitely going to read Richard Lawson’s recaps (please, please do the recaps, Richard!)  because I think he’s hilarious.

Anyway . . . Isn’t that precious? TPTB is about to let all sorts of new medical and space technologies out of the box so we can (finally) see them, but they still encourage us to mythologize them. It looks as though they really want us to believe their new space toys and transhuman superpilots are UFOs and aliens.  My mind is blown:  That’s how stupid they think we are! 

So why let these technologies out of the box at all?  Well, the factions have to. Their covers are all getting blown, because they’re busy doing each other in with various political exposures, and cutting down each others’ money trees.  The Big Disaster, the real “Event,” is about to go down, and it looks as though things will come to military blows if they can’t settle.

Thank you, Reinhart!

Here is the Big Disaster the US public is not privy to:  Schloss Fed, the entity that creates the U.S. Federal Reserve Note AKA “the dollar,”  is bankrupt.  It has been for a long time.  On the one hand it appears to be Kraut-managed, but on the other hand it looks to be Crown-financed. It seems Fed can’t pay its own debts. Or something like that; the upshot is their Time is Up. It seems unimaginable how an entity that can purportedly just pull money out of its ass, whenever it wants to, can have “debts.” However: SOMETHING had to backstop the US dollar in 1913, and surprise, it was gold loaned by Crown interests.  The Krauts THOUGHT the individuals with documented claim to the underlying assets had been sufficiently dealt with but no:  The Fed’s charter about to expire, too bad so sad, time to get on the world-government world-currency bandwagon, etc. And oh, by the way? The lien holders want their gold back.

But . . . Guess who has the heavy ordnance.

So there are Crown-Kraut settlement arrangements repeatedly ignored or sabotaged, and a deadly stalemate has been festering for years.  Meanwhile US patriots are in Camp Kraut  . . . until they’re not. There is a point at which the Krauts and the US nationalists diverge. American sovereignty is not negotiable, so here’s the patriot’s conundrum: If Team Kraut goes down, the United States of America goes away in favor of whatever the Crown has cooked up for us, which we don’t want because, um, America fuck yeah. Unfortunately, if Team Kraut prevails, we become cherman-euro-socialist-fascist-whateverthefuck (fascism being a kind of socialism for the rich), and we don’t want THAT, either. Enter the American breakaway faction, who wants the US dollar and its Project for a New American Century to carry on in perpetuity.  This is why we are in Assgrabistan and Clusterfuckistan right now.

“History is one continual labor problem.”

What happens next is beyond me, because this patriot faction NEEDS the Enterprise, and this is why they can’t quit with the overseas nationbuilding and the drug running and the wars on this and that: The Enterprise pays the bills, keeps them in power, and finances their fight against rival interests.  Consequently, you can expect to start seeing some interesting UFOs buzzing around an airspace near you as the bankster wars come home to roost.  Don’t worry: They’re flown by the very human military, some of whom have ideas of their own . . .

Not a UFO. It’s a Tanaris (UK).

Not a UFO.  It’s a X-47B (US).

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